Friday, February 19, 2010

Iiiiiittt'sssss FRIDAY!

Searching for… Cloud Mountain…Saving Fish from Drowning. 

The Space Between Us and Stones From the River.

The Death of Vishnu  and Return to the Garden.  Strolling through the shelves of my library,

Yearning for The Family Orchard,  The Unbearable Lightness of Being,

Catapults me across continents, through cultures not my own.

Literature is my Salvation.


Enchanted Oak said...

I'm intrigued by your 55. Yearning for the Family Orchard, and wondering if you ever found it. Mine is gone for good.
Literature has been my salvation, too. For me it was "The Master Butchers' Singing Club."

Dianne said...

Hey, that was my favorite also, hey!

My bookcases are broken, the collections are spread on the floors.

Goal, brace bookcases this weekend.

G-Man said...

Yes My Dear, The World is at your Fingertips!
I Loved this 55 Annie.
I'm glad you finally decided to get your nose out of some literature, and create some of your own!
Thanks for this Marvelous contribution, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G-Daddy

DJan said...

I'm reading an old Joyce Carol Oates book right now, and I have a hard time putting it down to sleep at night! I love literature, too...

PattiKen said...

Reading is the easiest, most affordable way to take an exciting journey. I fear for the young people I have met who seem destined to be housebound.

Stop by my place. I have an award for you.

Brian Miller said...

great 55. i love to read and have boxes filled...went to the used bookstore today to trade some in for some new old friends. nice 55.

CiCi said...

I like your 55. Short and sweet.
Hooray, more books lovers.
I like the comment from PattiKen about reading being the easiest most affordable way to take a journey.

Kathy M. said...

Love it. I'm a book lover, too!

Janna said...

Literature IS a wonderful thing, isn't it?
I completely agree. :)

Thanks for doing Friday 55!

KB said...

I love losing myself in a book. I can go anywhere, anytime. Nicely done.