The end of a busy busy day here on the Prairie. I'm bone tired in a good way...and got lots accomplished.
Tonight was the Amazing Universe class. The discussion was lively and varied and all in all, I think I'll go back again, lol. It was a lot of exploding primordial ooze talk, very scientific. Lots of timeline technical stuff and elements and cellular history.
On the way there, we saw a coyote walking purposefully across a field in a semi residential district. He was quite beautiful, looked fat and healthy. Later, on the way home in a different place, I had to slow way down as a red fox ran out onto the road. He stopped and looked at me as if to say "Exxxxxcuuuuse meeeee" and then he skittered back from whence he came. Kinda cool, seeing 2 predators in one night like that.
The night sky was covered with a gazillion stars and it was clear as a bell. The wind finally died down and that made it really nice. It's supposed to be 70 tomorrow and then 75 on Thursday. Yippee!!
I have plans to have lunch and then hit a nooner with two women, both mid-sixties, both with about one month sober. It should be interesting, lol. One just moved here form CHitown, and she doesn't know many people here. I got hooked up with her through a hotline call. The other is one of my sponslings, and she is on fire with sobriety right now. WooHoo! It should be fun to get them together. Older women have a hard time in this program sometimes. Lunch makes it easier. *wink
Not too much too say tonight, except that, as usual, I am feeling especially blessed to be walking this sober road. Read an obituary last night of someone I went to school with and used to party with here when I was young. Died of the ubiquitous "organ failure". Some of us get to get sober and clean and some of us stay out there and die before our time. It's an old story. Godspeed, Steven.
Grateful to have all kinds of things to do today besides drink. How great is that?
Life's a dance, when you know the Steps....
Dance the Steps, how good that is! One can always tell those who are working this program, because they are constantly working , doing things, and sponsoring. THAT'S where so much of this program is, SPONSORING!
Having lunch with them, how wonderful!
If I did not already comment here today, I meant to. How's that/ Aren't you happy to hear that "I meant to, but..."?
Anyway since I'm writing on Superwoman's blog, I'd better be careful what I say. So I'll tell you now...I've run out of steam, and this will be an early night!
Just wanted you to know I just gave you an award. You can see it on my blog.
Love Ya,
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