Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another rainy day...

  The house is really quiet today. This is why.  lol  It's a rainy semi-stormy day, and all the animals are sleeping in various places around the house. Lazy, lazy critters.

 This was the view from my front porch this morning. It rained all day yesterday, in fact, it's been raining since Friday. And it's raining now too. In between raindrops, you can see how the earth is loving all this water. Everything looks so lush.

 These are the rebellious little roses at the driveway. They're tiny and take a beating every year. But they keep coming back. Yesterday they were just buds.

I am tickled to death about this. These are Siberian Irises that my friend in North Carolina gave me from her garden. I dug them up and brought them here when we moved. I planted them in a place that was all wrong for them--not enough sun--and left them there for 6 years because I kept forgetting to mess with them with so much other stuff going on. 2 years ago, I moved them out by the front gate. (Well, where there would BE a gate, if we had one.  LOL)  Last year they struggled to survive the weeds and hollyhocks. The fat roundish leaves there are young hollyhocks. This year they have bloomed for the first time, and I am delighted. I love these fragile little irises.

As you can see, there's honeysuckle blooming there at the post too...roses, honeysuckle, hollyhocks and irises.  Could it get any better ????

And finally. Peaches. The tree is loaded again this year. In spite of inclement weather and tornadic winds and freezes and heats. It perseveres. YAY!  We're going to have a good crop of them , I think.

  And that's pretty much the front yard story here on Honeysuckle Hill.  Well, wait.  We also have a cherry tree loaded with cherries, and the Irishman picked up a net at the farm store the other day to try to deter the birds from eating EVERYTHING.  We don't mind sharing, but they are not as thoughtful.  lol  The 4 little blueberry bushes are also loaded with blueberries. And when I say loaded, I mean--maybe 3 cups of blueberries, as the plants are pretty small.  They were planted in March, as soon after Valentine's Day as we could get a shovel in the ground.  The irises planted along the rock wall are flourishing in all this rain too, and I have a vase of them on the table right now..this is the 4th day, I think. And they still look this good :


  The vegetable gardens are looking great. I am very pleased to tell you that the edamame seed I saved last year has abut a 95+% germination rate. WooHoo! Almost everything except the peas and limas (and I haven't been out in the rain to look at them today) are sprouted and growing like gangbusters.  The green beans are about 3 inches tall at least.  The greens and lettuces and radishes are all above ground. I just hope the potatoes don't rot in all this rain...We have about half of them strawed, and if the weather permits, I might get out there and do some more today. The butternut squash are over in the side yard and are doing well. The big box that I filled in with compost and planted the remaining 11 sweet potatoes in is looking good too.  I still have about 10 tomato plants I'm trying to find somewhere to put. I have 18 of them in the ground and they're thriving.  Why did I buy so many ????

  Have a grand Tuesday everyone. The rain is really coming down now, so I think I'll just settle in for the duration. Finish up the laundry and do a little housekeeping...



Susan said...

Have you ever noticed how all the inside critters nap right where you must walk? We had rain for four straight days, until yesterday finally turned perfect. How I envy your peaches! And your cherries! And your blueberries! And... your garden! Everything looks beautiful.

Beth said...

It all sounds wonderful Annie!

Akannie said...

Susuan--it is amazing, the sense of placement they have, lol. I hope the rain stops soon...It stayed dry for a few hours yesterday, but rained again last night. Today is supposed to be dry and about 86. We'll see. My chiocken run is a slip and slide..and stinks to high heaven.

I planted all those trees (plus an apple, and a pear, which has never produced anything, not even flowers!) 8 years ago, when we bought this little place. They're all pretty much in the front yard. :) We also have wild blackberries and then we planted raspberries. We got it going on !!

Akannie said...

Beth--Are you drowning up there ??? Hope you're feeling good...

Mariodacatsmom said...

Beautiful view from your front porch. Looks so peaceful, then I think about the work you have to put in to keep it all looking nice. You do a fabulous job of it too.

Akannie said...

Aw, Thanks...MDCM...it doesn't feel like work though, you know ?

Ashling said...

You need to a take a lesson from those wide critters and allow yourself some down time too. Although your hard work sure is paying off in beauty and abundance...well earned & much deserved. But even still--take a nap!