Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesdays World of Gardens

  The first [real] daylily of the year...(not counting the Stellas, of course).  Blooming right down by the cherry tree.

  I was out this morning in the cool of early, and letting chooks out, filling water bowls,  cleaning up chicken-poopied nesting boxes (young ones don't get (yet) that the nesting box is NOT their personal toilet...) and of course, taking pictures of the gardens.
 Here they are, scratching their little chook hearts out...

 And lets not forget the "big girls" who are still chasing and pecking the errant chick that happens to come over the fence onto "Their" part of the yard. sigh....

Interestingly, it's only the black one (Australorp) that chases and pecks the chicks. My beautiful Goldie (Buff Orpington) could care less.

  So, onto the garden tour, shall we??

 Okra is up, spotty, but up. This is one of the bigger plants. I love okra--I dry it, freeze it, pickle it...yum!

Bell Peppers of all varieties, as well as 4 jalapenos.

Onions !!!!!!!  

Edamame (and weeds) and marigolds!  The beans are finally coming up good, be able to safely weed soon! 

"Maters! 16 tomato plants might not be enough, but it's what we've got. And they look healthy.

Herbs in front (parsley,oregano,hyssop and chives (3 kinds) and 'Taters in the back. They are huge!!

 Blue Lake bush beans...we love green beans!!

 Oregon snow peas and my brilliant string trellis endeavor (except in the early stages and wind) lol

Butternut squash.  Germination is very spotty and slow, but they are finally showing them selves.

...look at these beauties...growing like gangbusters! and in case that's not enough butterbeans for ya,

I'm going to plant a circle of zinnia seeds around the very edge of these beds. Won't that be pretty?

These are quinoa sprouts. So far, so good.  We'll see-they are planted in front, between the apple and cherry trees.

 Cherries are starting to ripen. Can we beat the birds to 'em ???

 The apple tree is loaded this year, and so are the peaches, which I did not take a picture of, for some reason.

 This is one of the walking onions, with a full head already! Here is the bed:

...and we conclude today's tour with a stop by the transplanted wild yarrow bed. 

   Have a great Wednesday, y'all... I'm off to the market for some honey and stuff!!



Rubye Jack said...

Looking very good Annie!

Beth said...

Looks very good Annie. I will be down to help you shell the lima beans.

DJan said...

Yowza! What a great garden! Better than anybody could hope for... and it's all edible! Someday, I will be showing my garden, I hope. It's in very early process. Sort of. :-)

LindaM said...

It looks wonderful! You are the only other gardener I know who loves okra as much as I do.

Mary LA said...

Annie, this looks magnificent and I hope you post again in a few weeks time. I wish I could grow okra here. Those zinnas will be so colourful.

Mary LA said...

Post more pics in a few weeks time I meant --

Akannie said...

Thanks, Rubye Jack....and Beth--looking forward to it! :)

DJan-- I think it's awesome that you guys are doing the garden....there's lots of that happening all over the country! I can't wait to see pics...

Linda--Can you guys grow it there? I know it's a southern crop, and we can grow it here because it gets SO hot in the summer and we have a long growing season.

Mary-- I thought okra originated there? Oops. Maybe I'm thinking it's more of a Caribbean crop?

And I'm going to keep posting pictures on's fun to watch the progress.

Planting time around here is usually Mothers Day. Lots of people put their gardens in way earlier this year, but I didn't...scaredy cat. lol I just don't trust the spring, and I've lost a few gardens in the past because of a late freeze. That's too big a gamble for me...

We can grow until late October and sometimes later...

Akannie said...'s one piece of info I found...

Okra comes from a large vegetable plant thought to be of African origin, and it was brought to the United States three centuries ago by African slaves. The word, derived from the West African nkruma, was in use by the late 1700s. Grown in tropical and warm temperate climates, it is in the same plant family as hibiscus and cotton

Rita said...

Everything looks like it is coming along splendidly!! You have the green thumb gift, lady!! :) :)

Mary LA said...

Annie, that is interesting -- in more tropical and sub-tropical parts of Africa, like West Africa I know okra is grown. But we are too dry down here even though my hibiscus does fine --

Krisjbhm said...

Annie, I really enjoy your blog. And your garden is wonderful. As I live in a condo in Florida, my only gardening is in pots. Bur for years I was a dedicated "farmer". There is nothing as good for the soul!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi, I don't think I have ever even tasted Okra! I am from the north. lol I think I have those same kind of onions and mine are starting to bulb. I think I was suppose to pull some of them out to eat as green onions. I planted some this year hoping to grow the bigger bulbs in the ground. Thanks for visiting my blog! Nancy