Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday's segues...

...into Mondays, unfortunately.  lol  Ah, the beginning of a new week.

  And today there was  a total eclipse.  Of course we couldn't/didn't see it here.  Storms passed through and we had dark cloudy skies and high winds, with not nearly enough rain. lol  It's been very hot and dry around here and we've been watering about every other night. I managed to get laundry done and even get the string trellis made for the peas. Himself hammered the stakes into the ground for me and I did the rest. It's an easy and cheap way to keep your peas up off the ground, and I've been doing it this way for several years. I never grow regular peas, only the edible pod types. The other ones are too labor intensive for me, lol.  I grow edamame and that's all the shelling I can stand. lol

 The gardens are really going well...everything has sprouted, including the 2 celery butts I planted in the ground as an experiment. AWESOME!  Those monster lima beans are going nuts, the potatoes just got hilled again and in a week or two we'll be strawing those bad boys. I'm happy with the way everything has germinated so far...even the quinoa has come up already (6 days from planting). So, it's looking llike a real garden out there finally.  I'll have some shocking pictures on Wednesday! lol


  Been a nice weekend. I baked some more artisan bread, and the Irishman has almost eaten it all already. I have dough enough for one more loaf in the fridge and then I'll have to remake that.  Yesterday I made a cold soba salad for supper and it was a hit. Lots of zip and zing from wasabi and fresh minced ginger (not too much though, thank goodness--just enough to really make it flavorful).  I posted that recipe on Dragon Woman's Kitchen... it was easy enough to make and excellent. Here's a plate of it:


 Hasn't been a really exciting time the past few days, lol...but sometimes life needs to quiet down a notch. Our family reunion will be in 2 weeks, and our second cousins from southern Missouri are all coming to meet the rest of the family. It will be a really good time and I can't wait. I think they are a little nervous, but excited too...I told them we're all a bunch of nuts, and they'll feel right at home.  lol

   I have been finding old long lost friends on Facebook the past week or so, and that's kind of weird and neat.Lots from here,  from my misspent youth and some from California too.  Looking at pictures, I can see I'm not the only one that got old. lol  A friend of mine became a grandmother for the 16th time (she had a passel of kids) and another one found her long lost sister. They were put in separate foster homes and adopted and never knew for years what had happened to the other. The kind of story that makes you cry.  I'm really feeling my age lately. lol  I watched the movie version of The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan this afternoon and cried almost all the way through it.  I remember when I read that book the first time...and another of hers that is a favorite of mine is called Saving Fish From Drowning.  Feeling all emotional and sad for some reason or another. Not in a bad way, necessarily--just is what it is.  


  The computer signal is a little better, but has still gone away a time or two.  I think I will still call them this week...As you can see, I'm able to actually get a little posted. lol

  And now it's midnight and I am tired. Think I'll hit the hay. Hope you all had a great weekend. and will have an even better week ahead.




Cloudia said...

ah! growing things, good food, good books, good tears!

Friendly Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } (°>

Mary LA said...

Can't wait to see how the quinoa turns out! I remember The Joy Luck Club too Annie.

Time for an email, I think.

Mariodacatsmom said...

That salad looks yummy. I love all the fresh fruits and vegetables and can't wait until our local Farmers Market opens (will be about 2 months yet for us).,

DJan said...

I can see your garden in my mind's eye. Your description is very thorough. The salad does look really tasty. I get emotional sometimes without knowing exactly why, but it feels good to cry and release that sadness...

Rita said...

I cry more easily at movies and books than I ever did when I was younger. Maybe it's the more life experience that does it. ;)

Can hardly wait to see the garden. The salad looks inviting! Have a stupendous day, lady! :)

Beth said...

I can just see your garden growing in my mind's eye and it is looking good! The lima beans really interest me as they are one of my favorite foods.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lady. Just breezing through to say hi. I'll hit you up for some Words With Friends here in a bit...

the wild magnolia said...

We are hot here in St. Martinville. Late thunder storms have been having a go since about 7:30 p.m. Rain is good right now.

Went downtown and took some nice photos. It was fun, history, and beauty.

Not doing well with my eating healthy. Sigh. I do not give up.

Will look for Soba noodles when I shop again. The salad looks so good.

Happy everything.

Akannie said...

Oh, (((everyone))) !!'s ALL good. lol

Mary-Thanks for the heads up about our friend. And the quinoa is sprouting!!!

MDCM--I'm not sure if our Farmers Markets are starting up yet or not..the local markets have some fresh greens and stuff...I love eating like this!

DJan--I know you're right about the tears. Wait until you see Wednesday's pictures!!

Rita--I know, right? I'm a bigger blubbering baby than I have ever allowed myself to be in my whole life. It's a good thing, I think.

Beth--lol, those limas look like something from 3 Mile Island!! They are really exciting...

Kristen--Ok, buddy. I have really been amiss in my WWF games...oops. Life is getting in the way...thanks for breezing by!!

Sandra--Looks like a beautiful place. And thanks for posting that link about the soba noodles...we've cooled down to a freakish 67 degrees today! lol