Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday has a mind of its own...

  My Mothers Day herb pot from my husband...loaded with goodies like basil, sage, oregano, thyme, and mint.  It's sitting out on my back deck on the corner...


  We had a great day yesterday, my son came over and spent the day with his old mam.  He and the Irishman spent several hours planting things and cleaning up some things and working around outside. They had as good a time as I did watching it. lol  Then we had a big late lunch of burgers and corn cooked on the grill, potato salad and Chinese slaw. We all ate until we couldn't move. A good MD indeed, and he brought me the sweetest card and I am one of the luckiest moms I know to have such a handsome, talented and brilliantly loving man for a son.  Feelin' the love, baby!  lol  They can't know what it means to me to be able to cook for them and sit and enjoy a meal.


  Today I am going to try to get some things caught up...need to make bread, need to do laundry, need to hoe some weeds out of the potatoes so we can straw them.  Going to take it easy on myself, as my back is hurting and there's no need to get crazy about getting things done. The house is okay, as I cleaned like a dervish on Saturday. The only thing left to plant in the garden is the quinoa, and a little pot of extra basil that I got. We got the onions in last night, a little late, but they'll be okay. I am going to go to Pappy's and pick up some more onion sets while they still have them, and hopefully I can figure a way to keep them until late fall, so we can plant them properly for next year. I want to put in garlic then too.  I have 2 celery ends too, that I'll put in to see if they'll grow. They've been sitting in a dish of warm water over night. Supposedly this works, and then you can harvest a piece or two at a time as you need to. Fun, huh?  Sounds like a 3rd grade science project. lol

  I bought a couple of hanging pots yesterday when I went to Dollar General to get a new hummingbird feeder (lost one to breakage last year). I'll get those planted with some petunias or something. I also have about 5 pots of Impatiens and Dianthus' all pinks and reds and whites that need to be put in pots out on the front sidewalk. I might get that done today.  If not, tomorrow will work too. It's a beautiful day, and the wash will be going to the clothesline. What I like about that is that it sets a nice steady slow tone to the day...something about those clothes flapping on the line...

  Hope you all had a Happy Mothers Day and that you're not suffering the overnight invasion of ants like I am.  WTH ????  The kitchen counter AND my desk are crawling with them..


  My garden is looking good. The peas and green beans are about 3 inches high, the potatoes are going crazy. The squash is starting to poke through, the peppers and tomatoes are  thriving.  I just love this time of year. My kimchi is starting to bubble...and oh--I just ordered a book on Amazon that is about preserving food without freezing or canning. It's done by a collection of authors and Eliot Coleman is one of them. He has written several books on year round gardening (and he lives in Maine!!) one of which I bought himself for Christmas a few years back. But it's  a treasure trove of information on drying, salting, fermenting, etc. And I [finally] ordered an olive oil sprayer for my kitchen. No more aerosol cans. The only thing I ever bought in one of those damn cans, and felt guilty about it every time. lol

  Okay--I need to get moving.  Have a lovely Monday, everyone !!!



Beth said...

Hi Annie, Don't overdo with your back. It will all get done in time. Your Mother's Day present is really neat!

DJan said...

Just the right thing for you, Annie. And I agree with Beth: no reason to overdo it, when my back begins to hurt I pull back and let it rest. Not that you are much for resting, but... :-)

Annette said...

Hey, maybe you would consider taking pictures of your garden and sharing them with us....every week or so and we can watch the progression! I would love that...

Take good care of yourself...dont work too hard!

Mariodacatsmom said...

Hope you took it easy and didn't hurt your back anymore than you already have. It's the only back you will ever have. Sounds like your Mother's Day was wonderful and just as you wanted it.

Mary LA said...

Annie I'm so interested in that preserving without freezing or canning -- fermenting, salting etc. I don't know how it would work here in the heat, but salted fish kept West Africa going for centuries and we wind-dry kudu meat as biltong (not my favourite) -- but I need to work out ways to keep foods without cramming them in the freezer.

Your garden sounds so lovely.

Akannie said...

Hi Annette!! That sounds like a good idea--pictures of the garden. I could call it...Wednesdays World Garden Shots...thanks for the idea!! I always think I take way too many pics of this

Thanks, MDCM and DJan--I did take it pretty easy yesterday...feels much better today.

Mary--I'm excited to get the book too--it should be here tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think...I'm trying to move away from my freezer son finished a prototype of my new solar dehydrator..said it went form 80 degrees inside to 140 in less that an hour. woohoo!

LindaM said...

Happy belated Mothers Day Annie.
I have that book it's a favorite of mine.Also have the Elliot Coleman, another fav. Gardening and food, the best hobbies ever:)