Saturday, May 5, 2012

A lovely Saturday...

  The view out my office window....

     It's been a lovely Saturday...started off with a meeting where a friend picked up a coin for 30 years.  Saw several people I haven't seen in a while too. After that I headed for the big city of Edwardsville to pick up a few things--dog biscuits, water clarifier for the aquarium, and some millet sprays  for the bird.  I also got some giant rawhides for the 3 big dogs and a peanut butter one for little Roxie.  Then I went to the big market there and got more soy yogurt, a few odds and ends, whole wheat pastry flour, chia seeds...some different things that I need to make crackers.  THEN, I went to a place called CBW (Crazy Bowls and Wraps) and got 2 gorgeous wraps for our lunch, one veggie wrap and one Mediterranean wrap. BY now, it's about 12:30 and a gazillion degrees out there. It was so hot...I got home just ahead of the Irishman , unloaded the car and got the food mostly put away when he came in starving. We ate and I talked him into helping me with all the vegetable chopping to get the kimchi started.  For about half an hour we stood side by side chopping assorted cabbages, daikon radish, carrots, ginger, garlic and kale. Once it was in the bowls and soaking in the brine, he retired to the couch and I set about trying to figure out what kind of dessert to make to take to the dinner we were invited to. Some friends were camping in a nearby campground and invited us out to join them for the evening meal. Of course we were delighted and when my husband asked what we could bring, they said "Dessert!"  lol

   I had a couple of quarts of strawberries, so I thought strawberries and homemade buttermilk short cakes , with a lovely clotted cream to top it off would be perfect.  All in all, it took me about another hour to get that all made and then we were ready to go.  It was so hot and humid, but once we got to the campground, it had started getting a little breezy, which certainly saved us.  It was quite pleasant out under the trees.  We had a delicious meal of roasted vegetables in a cast iron dutch oven over the campfire and a Waldorf salad made by the lady of the camp. lol 

  Isn't it amazing how good food tastes when you don't have to cook it yourself  ???

  We had a lovely evening full of laughter and food and intelligent conversation--it doesn't get any better than that.  We got back home here around 9:15...

  At 11 PM, it was still 83 degrees.  Tonight is the "Super Moon"...and it really does look pretty awesome. We have had to turn on the central air in here and thank goodness we did...Of course, now, I feel chilly.

    There is one of those tiny little jumping frogs in here. I don't know where it came in, but it hopped right through the office door here and has made himself at home. I tried to catch him, to put him  back out, but with no luck. He's too little to cause much more than a passing glance from the dogs,  I just hope he doesn't die in here. That is my biggest reason for wanting to catch him.

   Now I see one of those big giant spiders back in here again too...criminey.  Did they all just hear that the air was on and come running?? LOL

    Time for me to shut this day down and put 'er to bed.  Tomorrow promises to be full and busy...the local CSA is having an open house and we thought we might go out. It's only from 12-2...during the hot part of the day anyway and we can't do much then.  If we have any sense...  Gonna try to plant some more seeds tomorrow and get a few things done...the potatoes need strawing and blah blah blah...lots of little things to do.

  Have a marvelous Sunday, y'all...



Mariodacatsmom said...

I love the food cooked in those camping dutch ovens - we've even done cakes in ours. Now you are making me hungry.,

DJan said...

Lovely! It's been unseasonably cool here in the Pacific Northwest while the rest of the country is again baking in heat. Yesterday we didn't get to 60 and I was in my sweatshirt and heavy slippers inside. It's amazing to read about how hot it is there!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lovely day :-) And the whole spider thing? Um, ICK!!!! Having one of those things anywhere near me would make me cry.

Beth said...

It never fails to amaze me, the difference in the weather in central and southern IL. It was sunny and pleasant here yesterday, the temp reached 83 degrees.