Monday, May 28, 2012

Howling llike a tornado...

It's late Monday night. It isounds like a massive storm out there. I suddenly realized that I couldn't remember the Irishman putting up the chickens, so I got a flashlight and went out. The coop was open. The wind is howling and the lightning is in big circular arcs in the sky. As scary as it was to walk across the yard and open that steel fencing and gate, I got the chickens closed up. The trees are swaying and cracking.

 The rain is just now coming...and it sounds like a monsoon. I brought my rosemary pot in (it's on a stand and I knew it would blow over.) and I'm thinking that I should go out and take down my hanging baskets off the front porch. Problem is, I can't reach them without a l;adder. And I am sure as hell not standing on an aluminum ladder in this mess. lol  I wanted rain, but I don't want my garden plants and fruit trees damaged !!

 This is going to hopefully break this hot streak we've had. Today was a barn burner too...


  We went to a bbq with some friends today. It was nice...I took baked beans. So I ate that and chips and some salad and a chicken leg. So far, no bad effects from it. Keeping my fingers crossed, and drinking lots of water. The Irishman pigged out and almost went into a meat coma on the drive home. (Luckily, I was driving!) He had a burger, a bratwurst, a hot dog and some chicken. hmmm....Turns out that on his weekend hikes with his buddy, he is eating meat all the time. sigh...he's the one who (for several years) has been saying we should stop eating meat...what's wrong with this picture????   I still don't want to eat it, and what he does is his business...but still.


  I had better get off here.  It sounds like it's hailing out there, but I just looked out the front door and I guess it's all debris. 

I'll be back tomorrow.


Mary LA said...

Storm brewing here too Annie -- and I am now making four or five meatless meals a week but the housemate is overjoyed to see meat appearing. Another year and we should be close to vegetarian. I prefer vegetables and do better on them but that isn't true for everyone. And I know many vegetarian friends who struggled for a long time to stop missing bacon or chicken.

DJan said...

It's been so long since I've eaten any meat I don't miss it at all. In fact it's interesting to see it in the stores and not see it as food. Hope your plants survive the storm, Annie. That is no fun... so glad you got the chickens inside.

Beth said...

We didn't get a drop of rain yesterday and it is desperately needed here.

I am not a big eater of meat, especially red meat. I do love fish and chicken. Some veggies I like. :-)

Tina - Our Rustic Roots said...

Hope you didn't get any damage from the storm!

Akannie said...

MAN!! IT was a crazy big storm...with all the accoutrements--hail, winds, torrential rains and lightning.

There are a few limbs down, but nothing damaged, than goodness. No plant damage fact things look like they enjoyed the storm, lol. It was rockin' and rollin' last night, I'll tell you. Thanks, Tina...

Interestingly enough, Mary and Djan..I don't really struggle with it. Every once in a while I want something, and every once in a while I'll eat it....but not much. And beef seems to make me ill every time. (surprise, huh??) Mostly I don't miss it, and of course it's easier to eat lighter in the hot weather, so there's that...but I do make lots of vegetarians soups and stews, so that is always good in cool or cold weather.

We really needed the rain too, Beth. Very thankful.

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi, Glad that you are safe and nothing was damaged. There was a chance we could get a storm last night and some hail but we didn't get anything. We could use a nice gently rain as a lot of people could! Nancy

Rita said...

I'm glad I read your comment that you guys and your plants and chickens and everybody were all okay. ;)

I miss meat once in a while, but rarely. Maybe once a year. So, like you, I just have some and then I'm fine for another year or so.

Glad you're all okay! :)