Just a quick post this morning...I am off to a funeral about 2 hours south of here. My darling sister-in-law's mother passed away and we will lay her to rest this afternoon. A sad day...and a wonderful woman who will certainly be missed.
I've been very busy trying to juggle my new schedule with all the garden work that is happening this time of year...been up early and late canning and freezing and drying the bountiful harvest from the earth. Yesterday I canned tomatoes and okra, diced tomatoes, pickle relish, freezer pickles, tomato juice and baked bread. For the moment, there are absolutely NO vegetables sitting on my center island that are not in jars!!! It's a miracle, I tell ya !! lol
The weather has let up a bit, still hot but not so much stifling humidity. I was surprised to see that yesterday's heat index was still 102...didn't seem so bad after 110. lol Had a little rain early this morning...
I still have some errands to do before I hit the road... a dryer full of clothes to fold and put away, chickens to feed and dogs and cats to see to. Won't take long, and I will be on the road by 10.
Life and death...my niece Skyler is having a hard time losing her grandma...she called me and sobbed..I just want my granny to come home, she said. I am the closest thing to a grandma she has now...she is 7. This is one of the most beautiful close knit families I have ever known, and they will help each other through this hard time with love and support. Their mother raised 4 beautiful strong daughters and has been the guiding light that has kept them all close. She will be missed...a loving woman who always made me feel part of her family. Finally free of the arthritic body and pain she has known for a lot of her later life. ON her way to the next great adventure, wherever that takes her...
Okay--I'm outta here. Don't forget to tell the people you love that you love them. You never know when the time will come that Creator calls you or them home...
I'm so sorry for your loss. I pray that you will have the strength to get through. Our family, too, is going through transitions.
Peace to you my friend.
I'm glad I stopped by. Love the beautiful rainbow picture.
I would like to exchange links with your site elegantblessings.blogspot.com
Is this possible?
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