Friday, August 1, 2014

I know there's a pony in here somewhere...

...but for now, I'm furiously digging through the horse sh*t, looking for the pony.  lol

 It's been a crazy week. And a wonderful week. And a scary week.  And a beautiful week.   A week of learning and a week of yearning.  A week of fear and pain and blessings.  And ripe tomatoes, finally.

I have a kitchen island full of tomatoes for salsa making. I was going to do that today, bought the cilantro and everything.  The Irishman's truck had to go in the shop Wednesday. They called today to tell me that they would have the truck done sometime this afternoon, and would call me when it was ready to pick up.  I was afraid to start the salsa and have to leave it out midway done, in case they called.  So, I didn't start it, and of course they didn't call until about 4.  I had to pick up a prescription for a new medicine, so we headed in to town to do these things. The Walmart Pharmacy was severely understaffed for a Friday, and we stood in line over 25 minutes. It was crazy.  By the time we got the truck and  got home it was time to make supper. And I am tired and so I didn't even start it, because I would have been up half the night.

  The AC is out again too. Luckily, the temps have been very cool again for this time of year. But we had to make a decision between putting the truck in the shop and fixing the AC, so the AC will have to wait.  It will be okay. The bedroom has a window unit, so even if it does get hot (not looking good so far ) , we can just pile up in there.

  My cardiology appointment yesterday was interesting. My blood pressure was sky high again.  I had checked it that morning and it was only 145/68. When they checked it at the office, it was up to 175/80 again.  I don't feel good.  He lectured me and calmly answered every question I had for him.  He seemed very efficient and like he knew what he was talking about, except that he kept saying  that WHAT i was eating had nothing to do with anything. And I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. At any rate, the bottom line ios that I am overweight (true) , my BP is dangerously high (true), and no matter what, we have to get it down. I need to lose weight (I knew that) and he put me on a beta blocker, which I am hesitant to take.  He looked me in the eyes and said "High blood pressure will kill you." He said he is giving me 3 months to lose weight, bring the bp down and lower my cholesterol levels (which really aren't bad, but he still wants it lower).  He said if that doesn't happen, he is putting me on statins. I said I will not take statins. He looked at me like I was crazy. He said if I was his mother or his sister, he would make me take them right now. lol   I feel the same way about the beta blocker, but I was willing to try it, as long as he promised me he would take me off it as soon as my bp is down. He promised.

  He said that I was high risk because of my weight and my family history.  I know that. He said, I don't want you to die. It will reflect badly on me as your doctor." and then he smiled.  lol  

 I am scared. The list of possible side effects from this stuff is a mile long.  Everyone I know that has taken it has an opinion about it...about 60/40 negative.  I haven't taken the first one yet, and I think I will wait until tomorrow night, since we are supposed to go meet up with family tomorrow, and I don't want to be all yucky. He said it will make me tired at first. Hell, I'm already tired. lol  On the other hand, I don't feel good tonight. I'm going back and forth about taking it or waiting. If I do feel really bad, I won't be able to go meet up with my family tomorrow OR can all that salsa. lol   

 My husband is very worried. And we had a long conversation about it all, and he says to me, I will take care of you. Just like you just took care of me. It's what we do, right ?  Yes it's what we do.



Cloudia said...

there is a website called ask a patient where people discuss these different drugs. Hang in there - for a long LONG time, Dear!

ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>

Akannie said...

Thanks Cloudia...I'll check it out.

Mama Pea said...

You and your hubby are blessed to have each other. Can you imagine going through this all alone?

The weight thing is hard, hard, hard to conquer. Just like any other addiction. You're a wonderful cook and have access (your garden!) to nutritious food. A diet of good protein and vegetables (if you can limit yourself to that) will bring the weight down. Not very exciting when that's ALL you eat, but it could get you jump-started. Oh, heck, Annie, I'm not a nutritional expert. You've got to find something that works for you. I'm with you all the way on not wanting to take any more drugs. Getting off all that you are on and getting your body used to functioning normally would be best for you. But that's not easy (I know) and won't happen quickly. Sending big hugs. (Wait! Is that a pony nickering I hear?)

Anonymous said...

OMG this is why I avoid doctors, which is probably not healthy in and of itself.
But since you went, you should listen to him. Or don't. We all have to paddle our own canoe through this life. As long as you are aware of what can happen to you either way, then whatever decision you make is yours to make.
Our lives are our own to live.
So what would happen if you tried it, lost some weight and felt better? Could you just go off the meds then? Maybe you need a second opinion?
I'm no help. Lol!

Anonymous said...

I have high blood pressure and started taking high blood pressure meds two years ago. My blood pressure now is usually 100/70 or lower. I also take a statin for cholesterol which is now under 150! I am overweight and due to my disabilities exercise is limited. I work a couple of hours on projects and have to stop for the day. I am 63 yrs old and other than fatigue I feel fine usually. the meds work and beat the heck out of a stroke or heart attack! take care of yourself...

Celia said...

Take care of yourself, I cleaned out my kitchen of any unhealthy food which was all the canned and packaged stuff. I'm slowly turning myself into a semi-vegan, little fish or chicken & eggs. I walk, I lost 30 pounds slowly. It's stayed off. It's hard though, keeping you in my prayers. You and hubbie sound like a great team.

Mariodacatsmom said...

Oh dear girl, I do feel for you. It's hard being overweight - I'm there myself. But you can do this, and it sounds like you have a very supportive husband.

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

The statin drugs are none killers!!!!!!! Big pharma and doctors push them - and I've read reports that they don't push them for their healing properties - but so that you will have other symptoms that can then be used to get you on more prescription drugs - Big Pharma needs that or they won't be zillionaires. And lecture???? Doctors are not supposed to lecture us. And who would say they would MAKE their sister or mother take a medicine -that is flat out bullying a patient. Read the side effects - decide what is best for you - and I'll bet it is not Statin drugs. My husband was on them - got off them and his numbers have not increased one single bit - signifying that he didn't really need them - the cardiologist just pushed them. Deep breaths - drink lots of water - watch the weight (like most all of us need to do anyway) and try not to stress too much. The statistics given for tragedy if you don't take a certain medicine are often exagerated to frighten us into taking the meds. Stand your ground - just say no to statins.

Akannie said...

Mama Pea--you are right about that. It will be what it will be. The doc said the reason I have such a hard time losing weight is that my cells have become insulin resistant, and my mobility is limited. I have ordered one of those pedal contraptions (I cannot sit on a stationary bike, because of the damages to my pelvis, I can't sit on any hard or small seat at all) that you can put on the floor and pedal, or put on the table top to use with your arms. It should be here on Tuesday at the latest.

Yes, I think I hear that pony too. Or is it just the cats laughing at me>?????

Akannie said...

HIH--I'm with you. I wouldn't have known about any of this if it hadn't been for the car accident. So, it's obviously all the Irishman's fault. I would have been just fine until I died in my sleep next week. lmao

I had the first dose of this beta blo0cker last night and I am not feeling any ill effects. It's a low dose, I think. And he promised that if it works and the bp goes down and I lose weight, he will take me off it. Believe you me, I am every doctors worse nightmare. I am considering starting a regime of Royal Jelly (which will balance cholesterol with 2-3 weeks they say) (plus, my cholesterol is not that bad), and something called Arjuna Bark, which is used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating high blood pressure. I have a friend who uses it and she says it works like a charm.

Akannie said...

Thanks Sir Rat. Hell, eating freeze dried cockroaches would beat the hell out of a stroke or heart attack. My father had his first heart attack at 40. He had sky high blood pressure.

Several people our age have told me the same thing, they take 'em and no problems. I'm giving it a whirl.

Akannie said...

Celia...I have always been a pretty healthy eater and grow and can and all that...Rarely any processed foods here. I'm disabled from a particularly bad industrial accident and am not real mobile, so it makes it hard to lose weight. But you're right...every little thing I can do, I will do.

Akannie said...

I surely do, Mary...and I know just how blessed I am. I find myself looking up and the sky and saying--really ?? REALLY ?? Enough !!!


Akannie said...

JoAnn..I have no intention of taking the statins. I agree with you...and they just don't work. I am very proacvtive in my own medical care...I don't blindly follow or believe anything they say. I am taking the beta blocker, because for several months now my blood pressure has been recorded at over 170/80 at least 5 times. I don't want to stroke out. I have a serious family history of heart disease and hypertension. So...I'm gambling. But he promised I can go off it.
Also, I don't think he was bullying me...I think he was just saying that if it was someone he loved, he would do anything possible to help them, even statins. I do like this guy...believe me, if I didn't, I would have gotten up and walked out of there. Because that's how I am. LOL

lotta joy said...

Everything I swore never to take, I finally took, but I lived to tell about all of them that I threw in the trash. We hear of all the deaths from high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc., but we never hear of the deaths caused by the medicines to prevent these things from happening. I don't care to die at the hands of a doctor trying to make me healthier.

Akannie said...

LJ--your blog has me snorting coffee out my nose. Thanks for coming by...can't believe it's taken me this long to see you somewhere, considering all the blogs we read in common.

You are absolutely right, and I feel the same way. I am a rabid anti medical establishment person for the most part...this time I was scared and feeling awful. That turned it. Not sure what will happen, but I promise you I'm researching other alternatives. Have you heard of Arjuna bark ? It's used by someone I know and she said it works perfectly.

Rita said...

I hope your BP is down by now. This is why I avoid doctors, too. Damn car accident. Losing weight--I ask you, how does one do that when you can't even stand for very long periods of time? I am in the same boat. At least you eat healthier than I do and have healthier fat. ;)