Monday, August 14, 2017

Hello again ?

   Whew. Yesterday I canned 14 quarts of assorted  beans.  Great Northerns, Kidneys, Garbanzos and Baby Limas.  Dried beans cooked into a state of submission by the pressure canner. I want to can more kidney beans if I can get myself dressed and go get some.  I still have about 5 pounds of pintos to can as well.  Having canned beans in my pantry as opposed to all dried beans (which keep great, I know. But it takes so much water and power source to cook them from there that having them already canned/cooked makes sense to me)  seems more convenient. 

  Canning beans is an almost canning meat-like endeavor. A few extra important steps when you can high protein foods, and a lot more time.  Each batch of quart jars takes an hour and a half at 10 pounds of pressure. So that's about 3 hours total by the time you get them up to speed, process them  and let them cool completely down. But worth it. I use a lot of pintos for refried beans or other yummy meals.  Garbanzos for salads or hummus, which we love.  Kidneys for chili or minestrone soup or salads. Great Northerns for Senate Ham and Bean Soup  (or just cornbread and beans sometimes).  Red beans for red beans and rice with a little cajun sausage (andouille)  thrown in.All good nutritious foods.  And ready to eat with little prep. And there you have it.

  We lost our last hen last night or this morning. She was terrified and would not come out of the coop and when I went out there this morning, she was dead.  It is done. NO more chickens for me until we get that coop completely rebuilt. It was not a raccoon this time, apparently a weasel. Chewed a small hole in the corner of the door and got in that way. Killed the chicken in their way and left the carnage like they do.  Then back out through the same hole, taking some of the electrical cord from the heated waterer with it. A year with no chickens... I find it hard to grasp. I have been raising chickens for eggs (and the occasional rooster for meat) for 12 years.  My daily routine involves chickens morning noon and night.  That's a lot of years of habits for an old dog like me to have to change... It's been a brutal taste of nature, I guess.  Survival isn't always pretty.  I've watched enough nature programs over the years (back in the days when we had tv) that you'd think I'd be better prepared for the brutality, but I am not.  Ever.   I am alternately heartbroken and relieved that it is over. That her terror is finished.  And right now, that's about all I can say about it...


   So, I'm off to a slow start this morning. So much tragedy in the world. My son's oldest friend died Saturday night of a blood clot in her heart. She was in her early 40's.  He is stricken.  And I know there is nothing I can say to him that will make it any better for him.  Or her parents, who were friends of mine from the 70's.  And when we lose people there is nothing to say. Just love the ones left behind. And that is all we can do.  Another tragic loss of a life with so much living yet to be done.  And it makes me hold my son so much closer and remind myself and him that we just never know when our number is up. That we must live every single day to it's fullest. And tell the people we love just how much we love them and do every thing we can to enjoy life and do the things we always wanted to do and be the person we always wanted to be. Every one of us only gets an allotted number  of trips around the sun.   And we'd best wring every little scrap of goodness out it that we can.

  Well, I've wasted most of a good day. lol  Or have I ?  I didn't go to sleep until 1 AM. Hadn't slept but about 2 hours the night before from coughing, so I took a dose of a night time cough syrup and it knocked me out. It was great.  I slept until almost 10:30 this morning. And then coffee'd myself up, tended the coop, got on the computer. Let dogs in, let dogs out. Breakfasted (lunched?) and here I sit, feeling the need to get some of this stuff out of me and onto the page. Good therapy. A friend of mine was carjacked yesterday at gunpoint but not hurt.  This morning they found her crashed car. She is shaken but okay.  That scares me. It was in a subdivision, in her garage.  25 miles from here.  And I think--well, I have no money, my garage is so full of crap that there's no room for a car and I drive a 20 year old car that looks worse than it drives, so maybe I'm safe.  But for maybe the first time in my life, I am not feeling generally safe.  And I don't like the feeling. Not at all.

   Okay. I'm off in search of kidney beans. Think I'll make a giant pot of chili today and can it tomorrow and have some for supper tonight.  THAT might be the best idea I have had all day...

  Later, taters...


Ol'Buzzard said...

During a time of absolute chaos there is nothing as grounding and gardening and putting food by. I so miss having a garden, but our cabin is surrounded by trees and there is not enough sunlight to support a garden. We do heat with wood and is my attachment to mother earth... and we live rural. Some of our best memories were the four years, while we went to school, that we lived without electricity, water or plumbing: we carried our water from the stream behind the house, planted and depended on our garden and felt truly attached to the earth.

Sorry about your chickens.
The Ol'Buzzard

MaryLA said...

Hi Annie

Some years are just harder than others, aren't they? I'm so sorry to hear about your chickens. Right now I'm sitting at home with a sick dog and thinking about soaking some beans!

And writing is always cathartic, one of those soothing outlets when the world is too volatile and too many things are going wrong all at the same time.
Tomorrow will be better.

All love as ever, Mary

DDD said...

I am very sorry about the chickens.
It must be hard without the routine and without the eggs.

Akannie said...

It's crazy innit ? Ol BUzzard, I agree about the grounding I get from working in the eart. I have always felt that way too. And there's something so primitively instinctively nurturing about food preservation and cooking for me too. It saves me.

Oh MaryLA-- hope the dog is okay. Thank you dear one for your steadfastness in my life. I did nothing yesterday but sleep and write a little. I've just slept anothor full 8 hours again last night...very unusual for me. Something going on that I will probably write about later today too that is niggling at the the back of my head. Cathartic, yes.

DDD--- thanks. I don't handle change with the most grace I'm afraid. And I don't like store eggs much. There are eggs for sale around me, anywhere from 2-5 dollars a dozen for fresh brown eggs. And they're still not as good as mine. Probably because I feed my chickens daily greens, apples and carrots. Sigh...I miss them already.

sanpiseth40 said...

It must be hard without the routine and without the eggs.
