Monday, October 21, 2013

Where have I been ?

 In the bathroom.  That's where I've been.  lol   Changing this room from a cheap can of flat pale blue paint (all I could afford at the time) that was a big mistake a couple of years this:  a beautiful expensive (to me--30 dollars a gallon)  paint and primer combination , color called Tea and Honey. Looks more apricot beige-y to me, but hey--I like it.  It's warm. It's a step below a semi-gloss. It's clean and goes well enough with the border up along the ceiling.  I am ordering a new shower curtain and a microfiber liner (recommended by several women). The old fabric curtain is about 9 years old, and has been washed about 1 too many times. lol  It will be laid to rest when the new one arrives.

  This bathroom (master bath) has a HUGE handicapped shower stall, and the room itself is about the size of most kitchens. It has (had) a long vanity with a double sink. I removed one of the sinks because it was nasty and cracked (back when we first bought the place) and cut a piece of plywood to lay over the hole, that I painted in a dark green to match the vanity. More counter space was good.  We really only need one sink anyway. It has a big walk-in closet off the side, which is as big as most bathrooms.  I spent one whole day (almost 6 and a half hours) scrubbing and cleaning that damn shower stall. I used a spray soap scum remover, bleach, sos pads and baking soda and vinegar.  That sucker is as clean as it has EVER been since it was new, I bet.  I burned my hands and a couple of fingertips with bleach.  Ouch. Never mind--they're healed up now.  (and yes, I KNOW, gloves.  sheesh.)  lol  (There's a long story behind why this shower gets so bad and isn't cleaned more often...much of which has to do with my husbands job cutting steel pipe and my crippled old body that has a really hard time doing this job myself).  Anyway...

  I went to Lowe's and bought 2 new lights to go over the mirror...rectangular shaped chrome bases with 3 lights on each.   The boy will install them for me, as soon s I get all the second coat of paint on, which is happening today. maybe. lol  I'm pretty sore from going up and down that little ladder yesterday and the day before. 

  I am playing with several ideas for a new towel rack beside the shower, one of which involves a short oar or boat paddle, wooden, with brass hooks screwed into it.  Another which is a beautiful piece of driftwood.  Or perhaps a jigsaw cutout of a sailboat, painted and detailed by me.  (Both with hooks).

  I've been kinda in the zone.  lol  And I have a big box of peppers, green tomatoes, okra and cucumbers sitting on my kitchen island screaming out to be processed. And laundry to do. And house to clean. We'll see what happens...

  On a different note...I am in the middle of talking with people about doing another workshop/lecture series about eating low on the food chain.  Or changing the way we eat. Or  what do I do now ?  lol  Still kicking ideas around about what to call it, but it will be offered to (and directed at) people who have CSA shares and are often not quite sure about what to do with all that bounty. Or how to fix it. Or what some of it is. lol Thinking about aiming it at CSA members, Sierra Club know, that kind of audience.  I am excited about it, and am supposed to be kicking around what to call it, and what will it entail...leaning towards vegetarianism and certainly eating more locally and nutritionally.  It won't be until probably late April, early May.  Fun stuff.

  Okay...the laundry soap isn't going to make itself. The painting fairies won't show up either, probably.  lol  I best get my old self in gear...finish up this cup of coffee and get dressed.

  Happy Autumn, all y'all...



  1. You are working way to hard Annie! Slow down a bit before life passes you by.

    Your bathroom is going to look lovely!

  2. I really like that bathroom color, and you're right, it goes well with the paper on the top. What a cool thing you're doing, and if you don't wear yourself down to a frazzle, it will all be worth it! :-)

  3. I love the bathroom color too. Very pretty. You are really on a roll girl! This is supposed to be your slow down season! he he

  4. Beth...believe me, I am still enjoying the journey !!!

    Are you ready for the cool weather to settle in ?? They are saying it's going to be a cold and wet one...

  5. DJan~~ Often I seem to have 2 Off and full speed ahead. Part of what drives my husband crazy is that I get something in my head and then I go,go,go !

    I'm pretty happy with the way it is turning out.

  6. MDCM--I think the seasons just change from outside work to inside work, don't they ? lol The only thing that changes is the deadline panic.

  7. That bathroom does look beautiful. Wish I could attend one of your workshops.

    Are we doing the Nano thing at full speed?

  8. Gawdalmighty, Louisey...I haven't even read your email !! Gonna go find it ! xoxoxoxo

  9. I'm working my way backwards from your last post--and I LOVE that color in your bathroom! That talk is a good idea. Helping people to become friends with alien veggies just could be one of your callings. ;)
