Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Such a busy week it's been...

Honestly...I haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Not YET, anyway.

 But it's been a busy time, full of end of the garden season doin's...things like tearing out old dead plants, weeding the walking onion bed and cleaning that mess up, picking the  remaining pole limas off the freeze  killed plants, and putting them on a plate to dry.  I harvested seed heads from the chives, both regular old chives and my favorite, the garlic chives. Digging out the last of the tomatoes and getting the gardens all strawed in and put to bed for winter.  Gathered up the last few butternut squashes....small but viable.  Inside I've been making granola, canning pickled green tomatoes,  and trying to keep up with all the day to day stuff.

  Our neighbors moved this past week...a very sad occasion (for us) and we wish them all the best.  I'm feeding their sweet dog that they are debating leaving here with the new owners because he has lived out here in the country (at that house) almost his entire life (9+ years)...and he is beside himself. I keep loving him up and telling him all will be okay...it makes me cry.  I understand , but still...if he doesn't get along with the new owners dogs or there is any other problem, we will try to bring him here and keep him with us.  Unless she decides to try and take him after all. They are moved into a subdivision in town and he would have to be an inside dog...and he has NEVER been a dog who ever wanted to go in the house. His domain was their nice garage and he loves it there. It was hard to say goodbye to them...

  I got to spend some time with some of my wonderful family on Sunday.  Loving all these babies...

      Me, Aiden Micheal, Skyler and my son in the long grey hair.

       This is another great nephew, Stewart-a little doll !
  This is all the older kids (nephews and nieces) out in the parking lot at the end of a great Sunday visit.

It's been cold many mornings, and now today has been rainy all day, but at least it will stay warm at night. We've had a couple of hard freezes.  The change in the weather is trying to slow me down, and I've been in a lot of pain the past week or two. Somehow I keep soldiering on, lol

I'll be curious to see how the pickled green tomatoes turn out. They look nice enough. Takes at least 2 weeks to "cure"  before you can open one to see. Dang.  lol

I'm going to spend much of tomorrow working on the last bit of bathroom stuff--mainly, I will be decoupaging the outlet and switch plate covers. I'm going to use leftover wallpaper border.  I think they will turn out pretty neat--I'll let you know. MUCH cheaper than buying themed replacements for the old plastic covers.

There's been lots of goings on on the social front too, as there usually is this time of year.  Bonfires and weenie roasts and get togethers.  We've been doing a little of that. Lots of speakers and potlucks in local AA too...keeping us plenty busy.  To be honest, I'll be glad when the snow starts to fall and I have an excuse for not going anywhere.  lol

Okay-- I'm pooped and need to go to bed.  Hope everyone is having a safe and warm end of October--there is already snow falling in a few places.  Not here though, thank goodness. November is right around the corner, and all the good food and gratitude that go with that.

Feeling particularly blessed...



  1. You are indeed blessed, with those wonderful children around you. And as usual you are working hard even when you're not feeling your best. Busy is your middle name, isn't it? :-)

  2. Okay..."walking onion bed" brings many things to mind, some of which have me giggling here in my office. Exactly what IS a walking onion bed, please?

  3. DJan, I am indeed. I think I have this irrational fear that if I'm not running around death will catch me. LOL Seriously, I have always been like this. Who knows ? lol

  4. Ashling~~ I had to laugh. I guess that does sound pretty funny...walking onions, aka Egyptian Onions or Egyptian walking onions...are a perennial onion that develops big seed heads at the end of long stalks. These seed clusters weigh the stalk down to the ground, where the onion sets take root and start a new plant. The onions spread out (walking all over) and the bed grows. The tops and stems are what we eat, and leave the bulbs in the ground (mostly). I have had this bed for about 5 years now.

  5. Beautiful first photo .
    So sad about the dog , I hope he fits in with the new owners or you :)

  6. Good to see you again. Great photos and lovely grand children.

  7. That poor dog! I hope things work out for him one way or the other. I know you guys would take him in it he doesn't fit anywhere else, but will he stay at your place? That's the question.

    You are so very busy, as usual. No matter how long it has been since I've stopped by for a cup of coffee, eh? ;) I've missed you!

  8. Willow, I really hope so too. He may wind up going to "town" with his old owners...he really misses them. It's a tough call...

  9. MDCM~~ Thanks, but none of them are my grandchildren. I'm now officially the only one of us who has none.


  10. Rita...that is the question. He has lived at the same house all his life. He's a very sweet guy.

    I have missed you. And I haven't been getting around much either--been a busy summer. And now it's November and I have foolishly (??) committed to NANOWRIMO again. LOL SO far the writing is going okay...
