Sunday, November 3, 2013

I looked at the sun until I was blind...

This morning is the total eclipse (also called a hybrid eclipse, because this eclipse starts out like a ring around the sun).  I tried to look at it through the sheers and couldn't see anything, so I yanked those curtains open and stared as hard as I could at the fiercely shining orb in the sky.  When I walked away, I couldn't see anything for about 5 minutes, and all those times my mother yelled about not looking right at the sun or I'd go BLIND!!! echoed in my head. Bloody hell. She was right. Finally my vision is returning, lol...and I can see the letters on the keyboard again.

It's a cold morning here, I woke up to 30 degrees. It feels chilly in the house with the thermostat set at 68, but if I turn it up, it will get too hot. I have some plans for some housework that may or may not get done today.  Laundry, maybe...and vacuuming. I didn't do anything yesterday but babysit my ailing husband, who requires every ounce of my attention when he is hurt.  On Friday, he slipped off a big piece of culvert pipe and fell, catching himself, but jamming his shoulder in the process. He couldn't sleep that night because it was hurting so bad, so I talked him into going to the Urgent Care a couple of towns from here. They x-rayed it and said that the joint itself was fine, but the muscle was sprained and to take it easy a couple of days. he got a 2 day pass from work if he needs it, and something to relax the muscles and help him sleep to take at bedtime. Sooo...we sat around on the sofa and watched some of his favorite movies last night  and had popcorn and some chicken and noodles later for supper.  I think it was the 3 cups of hot cocoa that did him the most good.  :)


And now it's November. And I have committed to NaNoWriMo for the 5th or 6th year in a row.  I dropped out 2 years. I finished 3 years.  And now this year.  So, 6 I guess.   It's a good exercise.  And I am the worlds most undisciplined person, so there's that.  And in the meantime, I am sitting here in the middle of a ridiculously messy house that needs a giant tornado or something to just smash it to smithereens so I can start from scratch. Because it feels like I can never get on top of it. I clean around the edges and I get 1 thing cleaned up only to have 2 more get trashed. And it's disconcerting...I used to always have such a clean nice house and now I live like a hobo.  I try to convince myself that it's just shabby chic.  That's it's "lived in". That I don't even WANT a magazine quality house. And some of that is true, but this is insane.  I just can't seem to get it together lately. And I'm not lazy, really. But it's like the mess grows when I'm not looking. 


I like to think it's like this:

                                          But I'm afraid it's more like this :

  LOL  (And NO--that's not really me...)

   So, if I get off here and get some laundry going and get some cleaning done, I might take myself out of here this afternoon to play a little.  The husbandman is off to a meeting, feeling better this morning and I was so ready for his moaning butt to go away.  lol  The thought of him being home for 2 extra days this week is killing me.  I would never have made a good nurse...

   The boy is off this morning too, he found some sheepshead mushrooms that he is going to harvest and is very excited about. I was really hoping he would have brought me some chantrelles this year, but he didn't. Oh well. I'm not quite as excited as he is to try new wild mushrooms...

  It's quiet here this morning on Honeysuckle Hill. The lazy spoiled dogs are all sleeping in here in the sun  while I tap away at the keyboard. They are big babies when it comes to the cold outside. I need to pull the covers off their furniture and wash them too--they make a mess this time of year. We had a couple of days of good hard rain and they brought all that in too. Not to mention all the leaves falling that are tracked in incessantly...I swept both porches and decks and within minutes you couldn't tell I had done a thing. 

   Feels like a soup or a beans day, though I am playing with the idea of a roasted butternut squash and caramelized onion pizza for supper.  I'm already craving comfort foods and it's barely cold outside. This does not bode well for the diet. I have still been stuck at 18 pounds, which is remarkable considering I am eating almost any damn thing I want the past 2 weeks.  Isn't there some kind of old sacred dietary law about food this time of year?  Like Thou shalt not diet during the High Holy Days Of Gluttony  (or something) ?  If there isn't, there should be.

  I could keep prattling away here for hours, but this house isn't going to clean itself.  And even though I carefully turned the clocks back last night, today is speeding away from me.  What good is it then, I ask you? If it isn't going to help me in the time management department, then I say to hell with it.


  So there's the lowdown from Honeysuckle Hill...Messy, crazy and always trying to look on the sunny side.  Well...mostly.

  Have a grand Sunday...



  1. You always make me chuckle Nam. You've described my house to a T. I always blame it on my back hurting if I stand too long (3 minutes or longer). But, what about the minutes it isn't hurting. Hmmm, Time management lessons would be good. But, then we might not have any fun!

  2. I laughed at those two pictures. I'm hoping you'll give yourself permission to just relax a bit today. It's Sunday, after all. Maybe they are right and it IS a dog's life we all need. :-)

  3. Ha ha ~ Thanks so much for the Sunday laughter !
    Oh my I feel the same way lately about the house work . I just finished tinkering around rearranging a big closet that I have been stuffing everything in for the past year when I am in a hurry ...phew ,it was full of stuff I had forgotten I had !

  4. Annie, life is way to short to worry about housework. Relax, one day at a time!! hugs!

  5. Thinking reality is in-between the two, maybe? Glad he's okay, and hey---although I rarely need an excuse, the cold snap has me fantasizing about cozy meals, bread, potatoes.....we're reaching back to those ancient survival roots!

  6. MDCM...I only even talk about it at all to make myself believe that I really care that much. I'm afraid I could (and do sometimes) live in semi-squalor. LOL Lots of it is my physical limitations. Like you, I can't sit or stand for long periods.

  7. DJan~~ I did relax some too. I (even if it doesn't look like it sometimes) try to live in balance. There are days when I do next to nothing at all...

    (I liked those pics too!)

  8. Willow: I used to say that cleaning closets often feel like Christmas. lol Between things being out of sight, and me being out of [my] mind...well--there ya go. lol

  9. Beth--you're right! I'm taking today off--thanks !

  10. Ashling !! I know...balance eludes me sometimes, but I keep striving for it. And soupy-stewy meals in autumn and winter make me very happy. Comfort food...we all need a little comfort...
