Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I'm a bibliophile... (or am I just an addict?)

  I think I might have a problem.

The bookshelves in my house are out of control, and books are willy-nilly everywhere.

And not just on shelves. They are taking over.

All manner of subjects, 

There are about 4 and a half bookshelves in this room alone.

This and that...

Living room end table...

Other end table (my end of the couch)

Dining room...mostly cookbooks. There's one more cookbook bookshelf too, but I'm not showing you that. (messy)  lol

Entryway..this is an antique book-through. Full  of gardening reference books mostly.

My bedside table...seriously need to clean this room...

His bedside table.

Books from the neighbor...

On the Island

More cookbooks on the island

Bookshelf in the guest room/food storage room


  Is there a 12 step program for people like me ??  There are at least 3 big boxes of books out in the garage that will probably go to the library once they get back into their building after the remodeling. Sheesh...

  I just thought it might be time for a post that had absolutely NOTHING to do with food or gardens or canning or stuff.



  1. Heaven!

    Have you checked out my wee novel?

    Click on the book cover at my blog. Paperback, ebook- I'll even sell you a signed one CHEAP!

    Aloha :-)

  2.'re not helping. lol I have seen it and will order one soon xoxoxoxox

  3. I adore books also , and the kind that go on book shelves. Due now to to lack of space I may do what I said I would not ever do and get a Kindle Reader .

  4. I have been there. I did a clean sweep through my cookbook collection (287 titles - but who was counting...) and pared it down to 37. I am working my way through the rest. I "heart" books...sigh.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Yes! There is a program for people like you and me. Start downsizing your book collection. I did this when I moved here. I kept only a few of my favorites. Now when I finish a book I put it in a box for Goodwill. I did see John Sandford in your collection. He is my very favorite author!

  7. I thought at first glance that you used that picture I posted on FB of my bookshelf! LOL but no.... We just have very similar willy-nilly bookshelves. : ) we are kindred spirits! I knew it!

  8. Willow~~ I don't want to tell you what I almost titled this post. lol It was something like ***take that,. KINDLE READERS !!!!!!

    My 70 year old neighbor has one. I just can't...

  9. Susan ~~ I do that regularly. It only makes room for more. (Kinda like cleaning out the freezer...)

    There's no hope for

  10. Beth--send me a note and tell me which ones you haven't read and I'll send them to you. Oh, and I lost your address...have a card here for you too. :(

    Wait--maybe it would be easier for me to list what I have and you can see what you haven't read. Duh.

    And I don't want to downsize. LOL

  11. Annette ~~ I KNOW, right ?? I told you when I saw that picture of yours I knew we were kindred spirits for sure.

    I love my books...

  12. A year or so ago when I moved, I took two boxes of books to the bookstore where they buy them back. I ended up with $200 to spend at the bookstore on, guess what? More books! :-)

  13. LOL...DJan, when we moved from Portland Oregon to North Carolina, I took over 7 boxes of books to Powell' an amazing amount of moolah. Bought a bunch of new books when I arrived. LOL

  14. Looks just like my home, only neater bookshelves. What's the problem exactly?

    Books do furnish a room...

  15. Louisey~~ lol

    I have used books as decoration for years ! lol

    (Martha Stewart got nothin' on me...)

  16. LOL! I have four bookcases in my little one bedroom apartment. I had to quit buying years ago because I had no more room--well, except for the occasional art book...or cookbook--but I recently got connected with the library outreach program--whoohoo! Am slowly getting back into the reading habit again. :)
