Saturday, September 21, 2013

Autumnal Equinox, 2013

 Equinox: When the night and day are of the same length.  The turning point of the seasons, and from now on, the days will get shorter as we move towards winter.  I think it officially falls tomorrow, but there have been some celebrations today as well.  The autumnal equinox is marked by the harvest moon this year...when a full moon falls closest  to or on the date of the equinox.  It has surely been magnificent.


  We have been working our way slowly through the harvest.  Spent Friday night shelling edamame that we are saving for seed, and then some.  Filled the jars for seed, and then filled another quart+  of dried beans, thinking maybe I can rehydrate them and see what happens, or just grind them and use for flour.  Not going to waste, at any rate.  I wonder if I could sprout them? Hmmmm...  

  We also got the green bean seeds all shelled and are now laying out to dry.  Those plants all got pulled up and relegated to the compost bin.  The new beans are looking pretty good, but it's getting cool fast, so nothing may come of them. We shall see...

  Still harvesting the errant tomato and okra pods...drying them as we fact, there's a dehydrator full waiting to be put away now.  Still harvesting and freezing bell peppers. Saving seed from those too. 

  Started checking and digging some sweet end of the bed, the plants he dug the taters were small, but healthy looking. The other end were OMG! huge and healthy looking.  I think we're going to have a good crop this year. In fact, we sliced up several of them and feasted on sweet potato fries with burgers for supper last night.  Gorgeous bright orange flesh, thin skinned. Hope they store well.

  I have sage drying, anise hyssop drying, chives drying, parsley drying, lemon balm drying, basil drying can imagine what my kitchen looks like. lol   Himself finished harvesting the fingerling potatoes and we have 2 big trays full of those hardening off a little here in the office. 2 butternut squash as well were brought in after the fact. lol


 Once we recover from the hit of paying the property taxes, it will be time to see about restocking my pantry with some things like canned tuna and maybe salmon (if I can find Atlantic salmon--not going to risk eating the Pacific stuff--too much radiation danger from Fukashima) . Other odds and ends that I like to keep on hand, or extras of too.  I may still can some chicken breast this year as I am almost out of the stuff I canned before. That was my first time to can any kind of meat, and it worked out very well. It was really handy to have those jars of chicken on the shelf.  Same with the turkey and turkey broth that I canned last year. But I still have lots of that.  I recently found a recipe for home canning baked beans that I am dying to try.  I thought about canning some chili, but I don't know--it's easy enough to make. would be convenient. I actually could can about any kind of fish too, local stuff, and forego buying any potentially contaminated fish.  hmmm..that's a thought.  Oh well--all this talk is the rambling of a dangerously tired mind. LOL  Lately I have been thinking I am so done with canning ANYTHING!   Until I see a neat recipe.  lol  

  I'm going to make some hot cocoa mix and not have to buy that anymore. I can sweeten it with xylitol and use my fair trade cocoa...and the recipe I found (thanks! Alton Brown!!)  makes about a half gallon of mix for about 3 bucks.  AND YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S IN IT !   So, there you go.  We don't drink a lot of hot cocoa, but it's nice to have in winter.  The Irishman really likes it, since he doesn't drink coffee...

  I got all the laundry stuff to make soap again, it was a buy 2 get one free deal on all 3 main ingredients, so I did.  It's still sitting on my kitchen table while I ponder the mystery of where the heck I'm going to store it. lol

. Tomorrow morning I'm going to bake some pumpkin muffins, for breakfast.  Phase 3 on the weekends gives me more latitude on what I can eat. And I am dying for something healthy/sweet.  That's not fruit.  :)


   Okay...I'm starting to yawn--must be nearing bedtime. Sat with my neighbor today for about 9 hours. Made for a very long day, lol.  The temps here are in the low 70's during the day, and the 50's at night.   I meant to open up my house this morning before I left, but forgot. It'll happen first thing in the morning, believe me.   All I can smell is dog and I need to air it out.  The AC has been back on for several days because it got so hot again. Sheesh.

  Happy Saturday to you all...wishes for peace in your happy !!



  1. Would you consider sharing your recipe for hot chocolate mix? (I'm just starting to use xylitol.)

    I think one of reasons I like this time of year is the "stocking up" part. Nothing like having stores of good food and supplies in place before hibernating time!

    Happy Autumnal Equinox to you, too!

  2. Dear, dear Annie. Just reading your blog has worn me out. Stop for a minute and smell the roses. :-)

  3. I will be glad to, Mama Pea ! It's easy peasy... and you can use regular dehydrated milk, or dehydrated rice or coconut milk too.

    2 cups powdered Xylitol (I put it in my blender and whoosh it up.)

    1 cup fair trade cocoa

    2 1/2 c. powdered milk

    1 tsp salt

    2 tsp. cornstarch

    1 pinch cayenne

    Mix dry ingredients well and store in airtight container. Use about half a mug of mix and fill with boiling water.

    Ta Da !

    (Might need to experiment with the sugars and see how much sweetness you like)

  4. Good morning Beth...

    Unfortunately, all the roses are gone now, and all I can stop and smell are the garlic chives. LOL Or the okra flowers, which are WAY taller than me.

    Hope you are feeling good, dear one...xoxoxoxox

  5. Annie - Thank you very much for the recipe. Can you believe I don't like hot chocolate? Never have. But my hubby drinks enough for both of us in the winter . . . and is always looking for a "better" one, so I will give this a try! Thanks again.

  6. Here I am at 4 pm thinking I've been on the go all day making applesauce & cleaning the chicken coop & roasting veggies & doing laundry...& am ready to take a break with tea and wool. Then I read your latest post & am reminded again that I am a slacker, and maybe a lazy one at that. You always amaze me. Hope you take a little time to just breathe today!

  7. Ash--played almost all day today ! And in the process, diddled up more work for me. LOL Took the ferry across the river to apple and peach country...came home with a peck of peaches and a bushel of apples to dry. But we had a lovely day...
