Monday, September 23, 2013

It's here. The first full day of Autumn

 Some beautiful peaches we got after  taking the ferry across the river yesterday. These are strictly for drying and eating.  I couldn't believe there were still peaches available this late, but there were. They are huge and hopefully really sweet.

 Got these too. They're Jonagolds and look pretty good for dehydrating.  Should keep me busy for a minute.  lol   Gonna get started with the apples, as soon as I finish this bit of housekeeping (that's turned into an ordeal).  I can't believe the dust that collects around here this time of year. I live on a road that is about 2/3 farm fields and when they start harvesting the dried corn and soybeans, it's a nightmare.  Especially when the weather is conducive to having the windows open.  It's deceptive...because none of those fields are within sight of my house.  But they can't fool me.  


  We had a lovely day yesterday. Originally, we were maybe going to the Butterfly House at the Missouri Botanical Gardens. But the Irishman didn't get home until after 1, and they close at 4, and it's over an hour to get there. So, that was out.  We might go this next weekend.  So, we changed course and decided to just take a ride over to Calhoun County, because I wanted to get some apples to dry, and it's apple season. I also wanted to see if anybody had any peaches left, although I honestly didn't expect to find any. Surprise! Got both, though at 2 different orchards.  As you can see in the pictures, they are beautiful, so I was one happy camper. I was distraught that the coons ate all our apples and I had to buy them, but still...

  To get to Calhoun County, you have to drive for about an hour and then take the ferry across the Mississippi River to Brussels.  It's pleasant. And Calhoun is mostly floodplain, but also has some of the only hills in this part of the state. Lush and green from all the alluvial effect from flooding over the years. We stopped for lunch in another small town, Hardin, which is about 15 miles from Brussels, more beautiful scenery.  We had  grilled walleye and baked sweet potatoes and salad.  Really good (and diet friendly).  As we were coming out of the restaurant, onto the back parking lot that is on the river, we saw this:

 Chugging down the Illinois River. It was so beautiful !  They never cease to delight me, these riverboats. I guess I'm still such a child. lol  Brings to mind Mark Twain and Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn and how reading those stories of adventures made me feel when I was 9.  Back in the days before the world became such a scary place and you could trust people and go places and stay gone for hours and hours and nobody would worry. I use to hole up in the treehouse at the end of our street and read until I heard my mom calling us for supper.

  Anyway...then the Irishman and I headed for Pere Marquette State Park, where we drove all the way to the top of the park and found a wooded picnic spot where we could read and play backgammon. But first, since it was the approximate time of the equinox (4:44)  we stood in the clearing and held hands and said prayers of peace  for the earth and all its inhabitants to  the four directions. First north, then east, then south, and finally west, where the sun sets. It's a little tradition we like to practice at each equinox/solstice. And it was a beautiful day for it. Sunny, mid 70's and clear blue skies.  We played backgammon and talked and laughed until it got too chilly to stay and we packed up and headed home.


  And today.  Today we are back at it. lol   Himself is back to work, I am housecleaning. And maybe just stalling a little getting started on the apples. lol   I have the bread machine going with some gluten free bread (a Bob's Red Mill mix--outrageously expensive, might as well buy the Ezekiel! )   But I have another recipe I will try as soon as I get some sprouted wheat flour and some spelt flour.  I really don't like the Ezekiel bread--it's tough and dry and blah.  We'll see what happens.

  I started vacuuming, and noticed that the ceiling fan was really dirty, so shut it off and took the long handled brush to the blades.  Then I noticed how dusty it was on top of the entertainment center, where all the hurricane lamps sit (yes...they were filthy too). So I took them all down, took the scarf off the top and put it and a chair cover into the laundry.  I wiped down the top of that, washed all the hurricane lamps, moved the bird cage and cleaned up seeds and feathers around that. Got those things done and then decided I needed a break and something to eat. This is what happens. lol

  I'm having a few strange dizzy spells this morning...not sure what THAT'S about.  Wondering if I should go up to the little clinic in town and have them check my blood pressure.  Wondering if it's low, because it certainly isn't high. Don't have time for this kind of foolishness.   :)    Almost feels like vertigo.  Weird. 

  Okay. I've finished my lunch and need to get back at it.  Need to spot clean the carpets in a couple of places. Finish up the vacuuming. And then get at least one dehydrator going with apples. It won't take much to get them ready...a vinegar bath and then my handy dandy apple corer/slicer.  I don't usually peel them, and I'm sure not going to start that now. lol  Unless the peels are particularly tough, and I don't think they are.  Maybe I should eat one for dessert....



  1. Glorious treat!

    (your post I mean)

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  2. Thank you, dear Cloudia...hoping all is well in the Beautiful Aloha State...

  3. I do think it's worthwhile to get your BP checked. Sounds like it's low to me. I love your pretty fruits.

  4. I feel better this morning so far, DJan. Maybe it was just a blip, but I think I will drop by this morning and have it checked, just in case... Hope you're having a great first of fall in the magnificent Pacific Northwest !!

  5. I have been enjoying apple cider all week :)

  6. What a lovely tradition, and what a lovely way to spend the day. I had to laugh at your telling of how one's focus can get so easily distracted - it sounds like my typical day!

  7. Willow...I have never (even as a kid) been a fan of apple juice or cider, except in dead of winter when I can make hot spiced cider. But these dried apples are good for a lot of things, not to mention yummy snacks...

  8. Susan--it is a good solid centering tradition, I think. Standing in the grass, feet bare to feel the heartbeat of the earth. Connects me to my world...

    Believe me, many of my days are like this too. lol Luckily, I'm flexible. lol

  9. What a beautiful day. Glad to know you take a wee break once in awhile! Please do check on the reason for the dizziness, especially with the new food plan....

  10. Ash--dizzy one day and it seems to be gone. Huh. It was a beautiful blessed day !!
