Monday, September 16, 2013

Autumn has arrived...

  The past few days have barely hit the mid 70's and some of the nights have been in the 40's.  I made a pepper steak tonight for supper...some bottom round steak cooked forever with sliced onions and then bell peppers thrown in at the end. It was awesome. I went out to pick peppers for it, and found all kinds of small peppers with damage or rot or weird white paper-like scars on them.  Those I cut up and trimmed for the meal. This colander is the other ones and I'll cut them into strips to freeze tomorrow. (I've already frozen about 6 quarts).   I've been canning tomatoes-diced, sauce, and my old favorite--tomatoes/onions/okra.   I have green tomatoes out there that may not get a chance to ripen, but I'll just pick them green and store them until they ripen. Or something. My friend pickles green tomatoes, but that doesn't sound like something I would eat, lol.

  The food plan is going well enough. I've lost 18 pounds since I started.  It's getting easier to know what to eat and when to eat it.  I could probably be losing more/faster if I was exercising, but that isn't in the cards for right now.  Maybe in a few more weeks, when all the garden is done.

  I wrestled with buying a Vitamix today.  They are so expensive, and even though I know I could use it to do a lot of things...I just cannot justify that kind of outlay of deniros.  They had an option called Easy pay, which would break it down into 6 payments of 83 dollars each, but...I just can't do it.  I'm sure himself will be glad to hear it.  lol  I told him I was thinking about it, and he didn't say much.

  ***I have to go to bed--am suddenly soooo sleepy.  I'll come back tomorrow  ***


  Early lots done today, cleaning house and laundry and putting the freshly laundered sheers back up on the living room windows.   Cleaned the big bathroom, took everything off the giant vanity and wiped them all down, then the counters and the sink. Cleaned the mirrors, the toilet, the floors.  The Irishman will have to clean the big handicapped shower we have, because I am unable to do it.  I got the property taxes (second installment) in the mail. I got the bell peppers in the freezer. My wonderful son mowed and did the weed eating and cleaned up the whole property today for me.  Am I blessed or what ?  It all looks so good. I went out and swept the cut grass off the porch and sidewalk.

  I made a big pot of 3 bean chili for tonight's supper. 3 bean, because I only had 1 can of dark red kidney beans and was too lazy to go out and get more. lol  I used the one can of kidneys, one jar of home canned pintos and 1 can of cannelini beans.  It was really good and there's plenty of leftovers.

 It was a stay at home and do mundane chores kind of a Monday.  What did you do ?

  I'm reading my 3rd of the 4 books I got at the Methodist Women's Rummage Sale last weekend.  Lisa Gardner.  Good so far.  We also watched a couple of good movies this past was called Parental Guidance  with Billy Crystal and Bette Midler.  Very good, entertaining family  film.  The other was a bit heavier, Denzel Washington in Flight.  A disturbing film about alcoholism and a plane crash. VERY good movie. As usual, Denzel showed the range of his acting abilities and wow-ed me.  Highly recommended (unless you're getting ready to fly somewhere...)  LOL

  Okay....enough of this mindless drivel.  I'm sure you have better things to do, lol

  I'm going to get back to my here this evening and I've been in sweats all day.  Autumn certainly seems to be in the air...



  1. I can smell Autumn in this post!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    =^..^= <3

  2. I think you get plenty of exercise with all of the gardening, canning and cleaning you do. Congrats on the weight loss.

    I love Lisa Gardner. She is one of my very favorite authors.

  3. Aloha Dear Cloudia !!
    It feels like autumn too--but today it's raining and supposed to get back up in the 80's--more normal temps for this time of year!

  4. Bethie, I'm afraid it's not all the right kinds of exercise though, lol. Do you need some Lisa Gardner to read? We could compare lists and I could send you the ones I might have that you haven't read.

    But you'll have top resend me your addy, because I was looking for it a few weeks ago and cannot find it anywhere. sigh....

  5. Visiting your blog is one of the better things I do with my time, and I've missed it1 Congrats on the harvest and successful food plan!

  6. Thanks, Ash--I feel the same way about yours !!

  7. Mmm 3 Bean chili ~ good Fall eating !

  8. HI Willow !!!!

    It's pretty yummy. And lots of leftovers for eating through the weekend...

  9. Green tomato chutney? I do one similar to this and use it to accompany Asian mussaman curries or Kerala dishes that need a slightly sour-sweet bite.

    I can't watch Flight because I will think of it obsessively the next time I board a plane!

  10. There's a relish that my grandma used to make, comprised of green tomatoes and end of the season veggies from the garden--green tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, yellow squash--recipe varies as to what's out there. I made a bunch of that last year (or was it the year before?? sheesh) It's great on sandwiches...

  11. Oh yeah--around these parts, they call it chow-chow. (No idea why).

  12. Annie post the recipe for chow-chow if you find it, please?

  13. Will do, Missy. I was at an orchard today getting apples and they had all manner of relishes and things. They had chow chow and picallily. Made me think of you. xoxoxox
