Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tough titties Tuesday!!!

 Well, let's see....7 out of 9 ain't bad...can't jump for ANYTHING with this bum knee and there has been NO rain to dance in. LOL

  Home from a trip to Litchfield...picked up 160 pounds of assorted and sundry critter food and some black pepper.  Then I went by my favorite Head Start thrift store there as well...got 3 tops and a pair of pants  for me and 2 pairs of really nice new-ish bluejeans for the Irishman for under 12 dollars.  I stopped and had breakfast too, french toast and eggs and tomato juice at Denny's. It was okay...not as good as mine, except that I like being waited on and cooked for from time to time, so that part of it was AWESOME. Then stopped on the way home and supported an older couples little roadside produce place and got a couple of white onions (3), a few bell peppers (6) and a bag of collard greens for my chickens...about 5 bucks all of it together.CAme home and unloaded the bags of critter feed and it nearly wore me out. At the feed store I declined help putting the bags in my car, and a young man came over to my car (another customer) and asked if I needed some help. I politely said, no thanks, I've got it. He said--Are you sure??

  WTH...do I look like some helpless little old lady these days?? I won't be 60 until JANUARY, people!!!!!

   It's good to know there are nice people out there. Don't get me wrong.  But...I don't want to be this little old lady that can't do anything for herself, dammit. It scares me.


     It's almost a hundred out there, if it hasn't reached it already. This needs to stop.

    My electric bill came yesterday. Up from 217 last month to 325 this month..OMG.  I knew we were gonna take a hit, but now it's in black and white. YIKES!  We have a small rural electric cooperative out here. Sometimes it's a blessing and sometimes it's not. I'm sure everyone's gonna get it this summer because of this ridiculous heat--it's not just us.  Can't wait to see the water bill.  *snork


  We had to go out a knock a young possum out of our peach tree last night. The dogs had him treed and were going berserk...went out to see what the ruckus was and there he was, up there looking terrified. The Irishman finally got him onto the ground after we brought the pooches in (much to their dismay) and he scampered off into the woods. He probably heard through the grapevine how well our fruit trees have been doing, and came by for a late night snack. 

  The lady at the produce place I stopped said that at about 3 AM she was outside running coons off her porch, they were tearing things up. Must have been the moon....

   My plans for the rest of the afternoon include a loaf or two of artisan whole grain bread, granola,  spaghetti and salad for supper, and at least one batch of jalapeno jelly, maybe two. The Irishman is hinting around about some homemade bagels, and I might be doing that Thursday--not happening today.It'll be a wonder if I get the things on my list already done.

  AND--needless to say, I'll not be getting any of it done if I don't step away from this computer. I've cleaned the hen house this morning and taken care of all the critters this morning aropund 7 AM, so I really don't have to go out again if I don't want to.

Sitting here, cooling down, and getting a couple of glasses of water in me for now though...I will be over at my neighbors most of tomorrow, as she is taking her goddaughter for an MRI...so I'll be getting nothing done around here tomorrow.

 Me and all my lot, except maybe 2 of the 8 cats, are here in the house, in the coolness. Hoping the AC hangs in there today, it's had a couple of little quirks, but mostly it's been okay.

  I'm sure ready to be done with this heat--we can't even plant our fall seeds, as the seedlings will incinerate the minute they break ground--just too dang hot.  My lovely crop of bell peppers is starting to look a little stressed...I hope they make it.

 The chickens are stressed by this heat too..I go out in the middle of the afternoon when it's like this and turn the hose on shower and let them play in the "rain" until they stop panting and gasping. And then I hose down the ground, the walls of the coop, the little roof...anything to cool down the whole area.  For now I've got some nice collard greens soaking in cold water I'm going to take out there--they'll be pleased.  I gathered 3 eggs this morning...so they are not so stressed they aren't laying, at least.  


  Alrighty then. My water glass needs refilling. My bread dough needs making and I hear some chickens calling my name.  Guess I'd better get moving.

   Happy Tuesday, all y'all.....



  1. I am waiting for the heat wave to break too and several inches of rain to fall.

    Stay cool Annie!

  2. I'm only 61 but have been in the needing help category for years because of muscle damage to an arm back in 1995...and it has only gotten worse when fibro and arthritis came along. It's wonderful that people offer to help. There are still good people in the world. But I wouldn't have wanted to jump to this place ahead of time if I could have avoided it--LOL! :)

    Your poor chickens. We've got farmers up here wondering if they should just sell all their cows or not. Heat, drought...really sucks!

    Glad the dogs are protecting your peaches from varmint poachers. You are so busy you make me tired just reading your blog--LOL! Hope you had a good day and stayed cool as much as possible. :)

  3. Our heat finally broke and I hope it doesn't come back again - ever! It just wears a person out to even walk outside to the mailbox.

  4. Hi! I think the heat has gotten to everyone! And let's not even talk about electric and water bills! I do love my air conditioner and of course one has to water the gardens! Once again it looks like you have had a productive and busy Tueday! Nancy

  5. Bless you, my similarly 'ancient' friend!

    Sounds like a full life-

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  6. The full moon does things to people, as does extreme heat like you're experiencing day after day. I eat those collard greens myself, but I'm glad to know you are treating those stressed chickens to some, too. Hoping for a break in the weather for you...

  7. Thank you, Cloudia...it is a full life !
    I'm with you, Beth...but let's not hold our breath!! lol

    Rita--it's the same here. And I really DO appreciate people offering to help--I was just poking fun at myself for being such an egomaniac!! lol

    MDCM--I just looked and starting tomorrow it's supposed to stay in the mid-high nineties for the week...guess that's better, but I am sure gonna be glad to see autumn. lol

    HI Nancy--I know. It helps to know I'm not the only one...everyone is crying about their power bills, and they have raised water rates around here too. Some of the southern counties have mandatory water conservation going on.

    Djan--I love all the greens...we eat a lot of chard and kale and spinach and turnip greens. But these were kind of a "pity buy" lol--they looked pretty dry and wilty, and the folks at that stand are having a hard time this year, so I bought 'em and thought, "The chickens won't care"...lol They spruced up pretty nicely in the ice water though!
