Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stalling on a Sunday...

  Oy vey.

   We had about 5 minutes of sprinkly rain...really hoped for some real stuff, but we take what comes.  Not real hot yesterday, comparatively.  Not terrible today, although still over 90.  I've had dehydrators going like crazy--drying mushrooms and squash and onions and carrots and okra and tomatoes and fennel and green peppers.  The peaches are ready to pick again.  Potatoes are about ready to dig, and we pulled onions yesterday. They are all lined up on a table and hardening off a bit.  Not very big, but they never are. We need to study up on soil requirements, etc. where they are concerned, I think. The edamame plants are getting close to harvest, maybe another week or two. Looks like a good harvest this year, thank goodness. They are such an awesome addition to our winter diet. The tomatoes are still producing and I'm picking a few every day, coming on in spurts. That's okay.

  I'm pooped.

  Have friends coming for supper tonight, so I'm trying to get a little housekeeping done. Nothing fancy or great, believe me. I thought (for half a minute) about running the carpet cleaner, but that's probably not going to happen, unless I just do some spot cleaning. Whatever I decide, I'd better get on it.  lol  But..I'll clean off the dining room table and clear all the canning jars off the island in the kitchen and wash some dishes.  And dust.  Because I have more onions to do for the dehydrators. About another 8 pounds I think.  I found a nice whole chicken in the freezer, so I'll rotisserie that in my new little oven and have the Irishman dig some red potatoes and cook up the green beans in the vegetable drawer.  I have some frozen peaches out from last year thawing, I'll make a peach crisp for dessert and run up to the market for some vanilla ice cream to go on top. Iced tea to drink. A good old midwestern summer Sunday supper. Assuming I can pull it off.  LOL


  Had an altercation with my sister yesterday over the phone ..about something silly (to me) and apparently not silly to her. She is furious with me. And I am heavy hearted over it, but not willing to give in to her because she's being outrageous and trying to tell me who I can and cannot talk to and have out to my house. (Her son's on again off again girlfriend.)  And when I said--you don't get to tell me who I can or cannot have at my house, she blew up. And said not to invite her to my house if I do have the other one there, because she will never come to my house again. So I hung up on her.  lol  And it isn't funny...I love her, she's my sister. But...this is not acceptable to me on any level, from any person. And I've tried examining it from all sides, I know it is about loyalty and betrayal to her somehow...but that isn't true at all and I refuse to be bullied by her because she's emotional about something. Oh well. It will work itself out one way or another, I am sure.
It's not easy being a big sister...


  On that note, I really do need to run the vacuum and get that chicken in some cold water to thaw.  The sun is back out now, so I guess our chance for real rain has once again passed. sigh...this drought stricken state is in big trouble...

  Hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday.  I'm gonna put a spiff on my abode and sit back and enjoy a day of no gardening, and no canning and some good friends and conversation.

  Off I go...



  1. I am so sorry that you had a fuss with your sister. Life is way too short: compromise if you can. I couldn't bear to be on the outs with my sister. I had 3 big sisters and all I have remaining now is my younger sister.

  2. Interesting you wrote about your sister, and I wrote about mine this morning as well. She really doesn't have any right to tell you who can come to your house, but you said it all when you said she's emotional about it.

    You have tired ME out just reading about your busy, busy life. But! I have to tell you I pulled my first zucchini off the vine yesterday, and nobody could have been prouder. Not sure what I'll do when I have too many, but it was a great feeling! :-)

  3. Good heavens girl - I'm tired just listening to you go over your to do list. I'll need a nap to rest up from the energy you are putting into your day. he he What is edamame? I've not heard of that plant and am wondering if I'm missing out on some good tasting food. Sorry about your hassle with your sister. Hopefully it will sort itself out soon. i remember my mother and her sister had a falling out over why she divorced my dad 72 years ago and they never spoke again. So please don't let it go on that long. it isn't worth it. You sister will always be your sister and this other person will come and go in your life. In the meantime, your sister needs to back off because you do have the right to invite who you wish to invite. She could do the grownup thing and come to whatever gathering there is where she's apt to run into this person and just be pleasant for hte afternoon/day.

  4. sorry about the fuss. it will work itself out. your workout your part, she'll have to work out hers. your karma is good.

    troubled waters come and go. they are draining. you will be fine.

    you stay so busy I cannot keep up. ;-)

  5. Sorry you have the fuss about your sister to ruin your day. Hope you were able to enjoy your company. I also wonder what edamame is? Good job on all that dehydrater stuff. How many dehydraters do you have? I need to get mine going this week with apple slices! Nancy

  6. Edamame is an edible green soybean...not to be confused with he field beans they grow for cattle food and oil. They are very high in protein and other good stuff, and used to be that all of it was grown in Japan and imported here to the US. Then one day some rocket scientist said--HEY! we grow soybeans here...why can't we grow these? And so we did. LOL

    Nancy I have 2 dehydrators of my own, and am also using one of my son's, that I found him last year at a yard sale for 3 bucks. It works better than my 70 dollar one!! my other one is a 20 dollar one. They all

    We did have a great dinner and visit and they went home around 8:30...

    Djan--you can grate that zucchini and freeze it for making zucchini bread. There are also recipes for zucchini pickles, if you're so inclined.

    Beth, WM, and MDCM--you are all so right....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry I deleted the last comment due to weird spell check by my iPad.
    first thing I said was about zuchinni chips, on the Body Ecology site under the title " vegetable chips" which can be done in an oven or dehydrator. Just made some and they are good but had to adjust the seasoning. just thought I'd mention that.

    I also agree with how you feel about your sister because I just went through bullying by a friend who I cut off as a resullt. I hope your sister comes to her senses and apologizes so you both can move on.

  9. A hug for you Annie --

    And I'm keen to hear all about the edumames. That supper with rotisseried chicken and peach crisp sounds wonderful.

  10. Linda--that does sound good...zucchini chips. I'll check that out. I have dried lots of zucchini this year, none of it grown by me. lol And things are worked out between my sister and me. She just called to say she was sorry and that she really loves me. I said I know, and I love you too. Thank Goodness.

    Thanks Mary, I always need a hug!! This is the 3rd year we've planted does well here, if you can keep the deer out of it. The quinoa is looking really good too...plants about 6 ft tall with graceful seed heads waving in the dry breeze...the quinoa was our big experiment this year.

  11. We've got your rain, darlin' and right about now I'd gladly give you all of it. You need it and we no longer do, so maybe God can work a little something out.

    Big Hug, A.

  12. Well listen, babe--have a word with Him, would you?? It rained everywhere but here again today..Thanks in advance.

