Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Weary Wednesday...

 ..and the day has only just started.  lol   Well, sort of.  [This a picture of the very first pullet egg. It was taken on the 21st...4 days ago.  I now have 5 pullet eggs in the fridge.  They're so tiny and adorable at this stage of the game, and seem like such a miracle of nature.]

   Yesterday was a marathon of peaches.   I started working on them at 10 AM, and finally cleaned up the kitchen at 10:30 PM.  And I didn't even get anything made out of them, I just froze them. I froze them in quarts, which is approximately the amount needed to make a batch of jam or salsa.  All that time (with breaks, naturally, because otherwise I'd just be DEAD)  and all I managed to do was peel, pit and slice about a bushel and a half of peaches.  I had a tall stool there at the sink, so I could alternate sitting and standing. And after supper (I took about an hour break there and made yummy potatoes and eggs and toast for supper), the Irishman helped and we finally got them all done.  By the time he went to bed and I got everything cleaned up and came in here to get on the computer and relax a ankles and feet were swollen.  My right hand, around my thumb, has a flaring up case of tendonitis.  My neck and back hurt.  My wrists hurt.  Like Leonard Cohen says in The Tower Of Song..."I ache in the places where I used to play..." lol

  So, it's understandable that I am balking and stalling at getting in there and starting those tomatoes. Part of me wants to get in the car and go to Aldi's, because they have some produce on sale that I need to grab for drying, notably mushrooms for .69 package and a couple of other things that I can't remember right now, but will know when I see them.  lol  And it will get me out of the house for a minute.

  I did get to sleep in until 7...and then I got outside and got my morning chores done...watering, chicken maintenance, flowers and critters.  It takes about 2 hours to water because I water with a hose, at the root of the plants. I have 9 garden beds. And assorted flowers. And I said some prayers for rain while I was out there, and said some prayers of gratitude to the plants themselves for holding up so well and doing their part of the bargain.   SO--I've really only been in here stalling for about an hour, and part of that time, I heard my gut hollering for some yogurt and granola, so I ate.

  I have to make a decision here soon though...time's a wasting...


  Some time back, I bought some shampoo at the Green Earth is a brand called nature's gate. I have bought this particular shampoo and conditioner off and on for over 30 years..first found it when I moved to California and got it by the GALLON, lol, because I loved the smell of it and the way it did my hair (which was down past my hips in those days)  Then, in about 1976, a gallon of it cost about 10 or 12 dollars. Now, of course, 16 oz of it costs almost 10 dollars.  But it has this really unique smell, and I have always loved it, the herbal one. The conditioner looks almost like mud. The shampoo they've cleaned up a little.  But I'm telling you...I had to open one last night when I showered because I finished the aloe vera one  I bought at the same time (big sale-50% off) and wanted to try something different.  The minute I put that stuff on my hair, I was transported into the past...a flood of olfactory induced memories hit me  and it almost knocked me over.  And this morning, I can still smell it in my hair, and I am just so amazed at the power of those kinds of memories.

  Have you had that experience?   I'm trying to find out if I can order it by the gallon and have it again at a reasonable price, but it's not looking good. It's up to  about 40 dollars a gallon and up...I haven't given up yet...


  Alright.   I've made a decision.  I'm going to the market, stopping and taking myself to lunch and then coming home and doing the tomatoes. They won't be nearly as labor intensive as the peaches were, my plan is to just dice them and can them in quarts. (Because I have lots of regular mouth quart jars out there. lol)

  So I have to go...wishing each of you a day of blissful living....



  1. Be careful to not overdo Annie. this is slated to be the hottest day of the year so far.

  2. I admire you doing all those peaches in one day! No wonder you were hurting! What will you use the dried mushrooms for? Previously we watered from the bottom and I like that better and think maybe we even use less water? Due to health this year we did some overhead sprinking but don't like that as well. Hope you were able to get your tomatoes done! Nancy

  3. I am impressed! I hope you do take some time relax soon and stay out of the heat. Praying for rain for you:)
