Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday rides again!!

 The tail end of the 2012 peaches...waiting in my sink for me to get busy...

  And I am in here stalling. I have so many things to do today, I don't know where to start. My day was filled up yesterday with my neighbors (delightfully) and I didn't do anything here except feed and water the critters and get the garden watered all by 8 AM.  This morning, it's all staring me in the face, lol.

  I was up at bed at 11 too-so I got some much needed rest.  I've been operating on way too little sleep lately, getting only 4-5 hours per night, for one reason or another. We've been watching the Olympics, for some reason, lol.  And staying up too late.  And then getting up too early, to make sure I can get the gardens all watered before the day gets too hot. We've just had another long string of those 102+'s getting really old.  Today is supposed to be 99-100 though, and then 90's for the next week. (Mid-high 90's, but 90's just the same). It will seem like Paradise. lol

  My son helped me pick the rest of the peaches this morning. Trees are both bare now. I have about a bushel in there between the ones this morning and the ones that have been being picked  the past few days. I should be able to get them done today and get some peach salsa made too. I have a lot of peaches in the freezer, and some jam and salsa already canned. 

  The two worst jobs of the year,  for me,  are the peaches and the tomatoes. Both are the messiest of all the fruits/veggies to work with. You wind up having to completely clean your kitchen by the time you're trying to finish up, wiping down cabinet fronts, mopping floors and wiping down the walls behind the counter. No matter how hard I try to be neat about it,. it just ain't happening.  lol  It's SO worth it--don't get me wrong, but it's a mess. And my tomatoes are still loaded with greenies out there, so I just may be doing tomatoes until October.  Grateful to have them--absolutely!!!  I've already dried quite a few tomatoes, as they were coming in sporadically, and I happened to have room in a dehydrator. That's the beauty of's easy enough to get that little machine out and do a few. When you're canning, it's a lot of work just setting up for it, and you need to have X amount of jars to run the pressure canner.  So you need a bounty of tomatoes for that.

  That being said...I gleefully look forward to the peaches and tomatoes every year, because there is absolutely NOTHING in the world like fresh peaches from the freezer in the middle of February...or home canned tomatoes for spaghetti sauce.  And the kid in me probably LOVES making the messes...just wishes someone else had to do the clean up.  lol

 Guess I should put the dogs outside for a while...soon it will be too hot. They are spending lots of time in the house these days, preferring to go outside later in the evening when the heat isn't so brutal. Can't blame them. But 4 dogs under your feet gets annoying sometimes. And if I'm in the kitchen doing anything, believe me, they are under my feet, waiting for something--anything-- to be tossed their way.  lol

  I really don't have any more to say this morning. lol  But like I said earlier, I'm stalling.  Once I get up from here, it's probably gonna be nonstop until I quit for supper.  Well...I'll just put on some lively music and get moving--that always helps.  It also helps if I shut off my brain and just get doing and stop sitting here thinking about it. LOL

  Adios, amigos!  I'm outta here, baby!!



  1. I am waiting for this long hot summer to end too. The heat seems never ending and it is exhausting to say the least.

    Your peaches look beautiful. And just think, Illinois peaches at the store are $1.98 a lb.

    You have got a bonanza in your sink Annie!

  2. LOL--Beth, that's what I keep telling myself, as my feet and legs hurt and my fingers keep going numb on my right hand,...

    How are you feeling, sweetie??

  3. Yes, I find myself stalling a lot too, or my headache is worse, or the Arthritis is too bad - lots of excuses.

  4. Your busy at it again! I dislike doing up peaches too but like you say love eating the frozen ones! I think it is hot here but you are even hotter! Wears one out! Nancy

  5. OMGosh! I am not checking in here till evening and I hope you got all you wanted to get done today. Those huge projects are daunting, but once you get going you can kind of zone out, like you said. As long as your body cooperates, that is. ;)

    I don't blame the dogs for wanting to be in where it's cooler, either. Too bad they can't just lick up all the peach juice for you that makes it off the counter top--LOL! ;)

    Stay cool and get lots of sleep. :):)

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  7. And what might you be doing w/ those peaches? We have a huge box of them from the local farmstand sitting on the kitchen table. I think they'll get frozen, but the jury is out!

  8. Ashling, I froze them for now. Later when I'm not so busy with peppers, tomatoes and okra I'll make some more peach salsa and at least one more batch of peach preserves with them.
    I like them better frozen than canned, but last year I canned a bunch as well...
