Sunday, July 1, 2012

A quiet and relaxing Sunday....sort of....

These are garlic chives flowers...aren't they remarkable ?  If you click on the picture to biggify it, you can really get a glimpse of their beauty.

  I was up at zero dark thirty this morning, and I have to tell you...I feel like taking a nap right now. (It's 2:30 in the afternoon).  I keep leaning over on my hand and closing my eyes. lol  After I had put the dogs and the chickens out, I walked around the house...lord!  At 7 AM it was already 80 degrees and the humidity was through the roof.   I started watering after I picked another gallon of green beans. At about 9:30 I stopped and came in the house to cool down...made a couple of egg sandwiches for my son and myself and then went back out. I've been piddling around out there off and on ever since.

  They are calling for a bit of a cool down...which means that today it is only getting to 99 instead of 103. Possibility of some isolated thunderstorms starting around 4 PM. We'll see.  I've become a skeptic around the idea of weather forecasts lately. lol  This heat wave has been brutal...and no rain.  The garden is hanging ion there, but some things are looking a little bedraggled from that heavenly halo beating down on them relentlessly.  The potatoes are looking the worst, and so this afternoon, I started mulching them some more. They should have been done last week, but I'm here to tell you that it is really hard to get motivated to handle straw and straw bales when the temps are in triple digits. Never mind, though...they are almost done now. I have maybe another 3 feet to finish up the bed. Had to stop because I was sweating so hard it was running into my eyes and I couldn't see.  Since I had finished up the bale, I decided to wait until this evening to finish. I came in and laid down on the couch a bit...and it was all over then.  lol

  It occurred to me that maybe I was hungry, since it's 3 o'clock and breakfast was at 9:30...duh...I'm now eating a bowl of leftovers..quinoa, red onions, fresh tomato slices and a bbq'd hamburger patty. All cut up nicely and peppered and with a little salt for the tomatoes. Why do I have leftover hamburgers, you ask ??  It's a long story...

  Yesterday my baby brother and his family came up from southern Illinois.  And then my brother and his wife that live about an hour from here, decided to come  too. They called and said they were going b y the meat locker and bringing burgers and brats and what else should they get? lol So I spent the better part of the morning super cleaning the house.  They started arriving around 1 and we spent the rest of the day laughing and cooking and eating.  The last of 'em left around 9 and I fell into an exhausted heap. lol

 And that is why I have leftovers of the meat persuasion in my fridge.  lol  I made a big jar of lemonade and am sipping it beautiful with the lemon slices in it.

Just off the phone with the Irishman...says it's in the upper 80's there, near Rice Lake, Wisconsin. They are having a ball and the family reunion festivities were yesterday, with about 90 people in attendance. Am really glad he's having fun.

  SO, that's about the size of it here.  I will be canning green beans tomorrow, I have over 2 gallons in the fridge now and more to pick by tomorrow I'm sure.  I also need to get out front and pick peaches. Am thinking peach preserves might be the way to go. 

 Those babies are so sweet and juicy !!!!!!  I usually make jam, but...I guess I can do anything I want, huh?  lol  My brother and his wife brought me 2 big plastic bags of zucchini and yellow summer squash and some cucumbers from their garden down south. They said everything is pretty burned up down there...So, I guess I'd better figure out what to do with those too...I'm going to grill some of them for supper tonight. My son has been fishing and has quite a bit of fish in the fridge that he wants to grill tonight, so I'm thinking, grilled squashes, some leftover quinoa and grilled fish sounds a lot like heaven. He's with his dad's family today, his aunt from Washington is here and they are all gathering at the nursing home his grandma is in for a family get together.

 It's been a blessing having him here...he's done all kinds of trellis making and stuff for my garden and been a big help when he's not at work. The sad news the other day was about him, as you've probably guessed...he is heartbroken, as his wife has decided they need to be apart...and I am watching him go through the stages of grief at the demise of this 10 year relationship.  Trying to not say what I think any more than necessary...he hates that he has nowhere to go and is back staying with his mom, that things are the way they are for him right now, etc etc.  Time will heal things, but I think the damage may be done. I am just so grateful that I have a place he can stay (and he is too--just that his pride is balking, which I think is a healthy thing) and figure out what he's going to do next. I want him to be is way too short. He has already (IMHO) tried way too hard for way too long, and the best thing for him to do (IMHO) is to cut ties with her and let her do what she needs to do...but take care of himself. They have no children together,  and have pretty much kept separate lives financially, so that will make lots of things easier. But his heart is broken and he is suffering, and that is the worst thing for a mother to have to watch. When there is nothing you can do.  Tomorrow there are 2 memorial services/viewings for the people who passed and I really don't want to go to either one, but feel that I should. The truth is that I hate those things, and hate the way we handle death in our culture. Plus the fact that it stirs up all the old unresolved grief I have for the deaths of my own mom and dad, who died when I was 27 and 32 respectively.  I have processed most of it by now, don't get me wrong, but it triggers that old cell memory I guess.

  I may just stay home, say some prayers for transitioning souls, and can green beans.  No one will notice my absence, most likely, these things are always such a blur for the loved ones.  I'll see how it feels in the morning...

  Stay cool, you hotdoggers.  It's supposed to stay hot for another week at least.  yuck.



  1. My garden is suffering for the lack of sunshine and too much rain. Why can't it be a bit in the middle for the two of us? You write so well about the pain a mother feels when she sees her child suffering and going through these things. Reminds me of my own son, long ago...

  2. you manage your garden well, the garden gives a blessing harvest.

    i could go for an egg sandwich about now.

    my middle grandson flew up to maine yesterday to be with him mom. my oldest daughter. my granddaughter, his sister is there too. in addition, my youngest daughter, and her son, my youngest grandson and minor pro hockey player, are there too. youngest daughter lives in maine too. youngest grandson is off for the summer. ;-)

    they are all having fun, without me, can you believe it. actually, i am glad.

    take care. happy week, each day brand new, go for it.

  3. So sorry your boy is suffering. Never easy for a mother to watch, but so glad he is there with you for time to heal.

    No wonder you're tired. All that cleaning, company, and picking. I think I'd pass and stay home and can beans, to be honest. Saying a prayer for them and keeping busy with life sounds like a plan. ;)

  4. My two tomato plants in pots look pitiful! I have watered them faithfully but the heat and the drought are just zapping them.

    When our children hurt, we hurt right along with them. I hope things get better for your son.

  5. Sorry your son is going through such a rough patch. At least he has you for support. That is more than many in his situation could say.
    I just saw on the radar that it looks like you may soon get rain. Here's to rain and no storm damage.
    Hope those beans got canned.


  6. I miss the fruit stands of Ohio but not much about the weather swings. Be careful, it sounds like you're working it pretty hard!

  7. I know you hear this so often from your readers, but as I read your posts it seems like you are on speed dial in life. Rushing from one project to the next and getting as much packed into each day as possible for you to do. I on the other hand have slowed things down and do not want to achieve much, I spent so many years working and running and no time for me. So living in this little town and having friends and playing dominoes and one little flower bed to care for is plenty for me. I do admire your energy and your accomplishments and your caring for others too.

  8. I'm sorry to hear about your son's marriage. I know that time heals but 10 years is a long time together. I hope things get better.

  9. Has it cooled off at all? So sorry about the sad news, but perhaps there are better things waiting...
