Friday, June 29, 2012

Another hot day...

  The temps hit 102 again today, but the good news is the AC worked all day.  Yesterday it was 106 and it quit right around 2 o'clock.  The outside line on the compressor froze up and it wouldn't blow cold air. By morning it had all defrosted and it made it through the whole day. Hallelujah!  Right now at almost midnight, it is still 80 degrees...and feels like a sauna out there.


 The Irishman left for Wisconsin today, and a family reunion. He called me around 5:30 to let me know he'd arrived safe and sound, and that he hit a storm around Bloomington and it was only 70 degrees there.  lol He wanted to know how it was here and did I call Todd and was everything okay ?  (Todd is our HVAC guy).  We chatted a bit and I went on with my day.

  Was out watering the garden early, around 7.  By 10:30 or so I had picked green beans and was getting ready to go back out and pick blackberries.  It was already getting hot. I got most of the berries picked and will finish the rest tomorrow when my niece arrives. She's dying to pick blackberries, lol.  We have done this every year since she was about 2. It's our THING.  lol


  Got news that a woman I know died last night. She had cervical cancer which had spread to her entire abdominal cavity. By the time she was diagnosed and they tried to treat her, it was too late. They had given her 3 weeks to a month to live. It made me sad, as she has a 6 year old daughter, as well as 2 other daughters and a son. who are grown.  I am grateful her suffering is over, but it seems like a tragic waste of a young life. She was a very good hearted woman and she will be sorely missed. .She was 45.

  Then I got news that another friend of mine's dad died today. His wife is devastated and my friend and her family are all gathering around her to try to help her through this. I know they're very worried about her. 

  2 deaths in one day are a little too much for me.  RIP, Christine and John...


  I am tired. Had a nice evening/supper with my son. He grilled and I fixed potatoes and corn on the cob. We watched some goofy tv and now I am whipped and ready for bed. I had the Irishman put our old window AC unit in the bedroom just in case there was no air today...figured if all else failed, I could just stay in bed all day with a book. lol  SO it's really nice and cool in there...I am going to take my book and read a minute before I pass out. I have all my chores done--dishes, chickens, cats and dogs, litter boxes-- so there's nothing stopping me. I'll get up in the morning and do it all over again.



  1. Have a GREAT Weekend!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. The weather has been brutal in so much of our country, while we here in the Pacific Northwest wait impatiently for ours to begin. We can't go hiking in the High Country because there's too much snow. It's raining outside right this minute and I'm wondering if I will go on my usual Saturday walk, since it's raining pretty hard. I'll probably go anyway. But I would be happy to send you a little of the moisture for your garden! :-)

  3. I am ready for the heat wave to break as it is as bad as a blizzard in winter. Well, maybe not quite as bad. lol
    I hope your AC is working today.

  4. Hi! These high temps are something else. I am always thankful when ours chugs along! It is a litte cooler today but too hot for me to be out much. We got some rain lately. Thankful for that! Stay cool and enjoy your book! Nancy

  5. Only 84-climbing to 90 up here today. That has to sounds cool compared to triple digits. I'm glad you have a window AC in the bedroom so that come hell or high water you will be able to sleep and read all day if you have to. Have a great weekend. Enjoy that traditional berry picking, too. :)

  6. I am very sorry about your friends. May they rest in peace and their families find some comfort.

    Its bad weather up here in Wisconsin too. We do cool down at night though and because its windy enough we are doing okay without air conditioning. These old house were built to be self cooling I think:) Take care of yourself.
