Thursday, July 5, 2012

A busy day on the old homestead...

[Peach salsa.] 

A busy couple of days, actually.  In fact--I DON 'T KNOW WHERE THIS WHOLE WEEK WENT !!!!!


Except I do, kinda.  lol
My kitchen island is full of peach jam, peach salsa and 21 quarts of green beans that I have canned over the past few days. And I still don't have my tomato handout done for the canning workshop August 4th.  And my house is a bit of a mess. And outside...well...outside it is hotter than was still 93 degrees at 10:30 tonight. The heat index today was 109, real temps at 102.  The garden is hanging on, despite the brutal sun and high temperatures. Some of my flowers are starting to look a little worse for the wear. The lawn is ...not dead yet, but not looking it's best.  My deck pots are still okay, because I'm watering them every day and keeping them in the shade as much as I can.

  Today it took me most of the day to get the beans picked and then with the ones in the fridge, to snap and stem them. I put the first canner load in at about 2 and the next 4 hours was all about that. I finally started supper at 6...and had a bunch of zucchini and yellow crookneck squash my brother had brought me, so it needed using. My brilliant idea was to make a summer squash parmesan. Like an eggplant parmesan, except made in my electric skillet since I have no oven. Wouldn't have wanted to turn an oven on today anyway--the ac can barely keep up on days like this, and with the canner, teakettle, and pan of water for boiling lids going, it kept getting warmer and warmer in here.  So the zucchini parmesan was a hit, but we didn't sit down to eat until almost 8 o'clock by the time I got all those damned rounds breaded and fried. Once that part was done, it was pretty quick. And it was AWESOME!  All I did was put a little marinara in the bottom of the skillet, a layer of squash and some more marinara and then top with parmesan cheese. Repeat and repeat until all in.  I had just enough green beans left over that didn't fit in the canner to make a nice side dish. I was going to make a big salad, but I was just too dang tired to do any more than I absolutely had to! So I threw the beans into my cast iron skillet with a couple of small onions and some garlic and salt and pepper.

  My carnivore son pronounced the meal really REALLY good.


My legs and feet hurt so bad tonight that I had to make a basin of hot water and Epsom salts and soak them for a while.  That really helps a lot. I need one of those thick fatigue mats for the floor in front of my sink. I think that would help a lot.  Mostly I just can't do so much time on my feet...a crushed pelvis screws that up, even after it's as healed as it's gonna get. lol  And lord--the heat this morning when I was picking beans almost killed me. It took me coming in the house to cool down twice before I was done. I was sweating so bad that bending over to pick the bush beans, the sweat was running onto the lenses of my glasses, making it nearly impossible to see what I was doing. So I came in and got a bandana and made a headband, and that helped some with that problem. But I'm telling was hot. I may just begetting too old for all this,....


Tomorrow we have to go to the farm store and get critter feed again. Seems like I just did that, but we're out of cat food, low on dog food, and low on both scratch grains and layer crumbles.'s off to the feed store we go.  I also need to pick up a housewarming gift for my dear friend who has recently bought a new house. We are going there tomorrow night for a little party--causal and low key, just a few friends and some snacks.  It'll be fun and I haven't gotten to see the new digs yet.


I am way too tired to still be awake...maybe that's the deal. But I am starting to yawn and so there's hope. lol  I'm getting ready to mosey over that way soon...

  Goodnight, ya'all...I'm ready to drop.



  1. That jar looks luscious and you are amazing. I hope you slept well.

  2. Annie, if I were only 20 years younger you would be my role model. Aw shucks, you are my role model anyway.
    Hotter than hellie here too. Don't overdo in the heat.

  3. I cannot imagine how you managed to accomplish so much in a day, Annie. And that's with NORMAL temperatures. Heat index of 109? Being out working in it? Sheesh! You are made of iron... Hope you got the sleep you deserved. Sending you cyber hugs...

  4. Hey, hunny. The weather here has been bad, too, plus all the power and water outages due to the storm. I'm just so tired and beaten down that I want to crawl into bed until its all over.

    This heat will lift at some point. Hang in there. ~ Kristin H.

  5. All your canning is wonderful! But I don't know how you do all these things in the heat. Be careful. Nancy

  6. Crushed pelvis? I didn't know about that. goodness sakes, Woman! You have survived a lot, haven't you?

    I can see where your week went. All that picking, cleaning, and canning--plus taking care of the plants, garden, and critters--oh, and hubby and son, too. ;) That kind of heat wipes me out when I'm not even moving. Sleep well!! Have fun at the housewarming. :)

  7. I need to find someone near me who makes peach salsa. Or better yet, I need to make it. It looks so good. Funny you mention no oven. I don't use my oven. I use my electric skillet and my toaster oven. Why use the darn oven?
