Sunday, April 22, 2012

Softly and serenely Sunday...

I know that means different things to different people. For me, being at home, listening to the chicks in the next room (they're getting big and rowdy--time to go outside soon!!), sitting in my quickly vacuumed house, smelling the granola toasting in the oven, and waiting for my husband to get here with my sister. I have hamburger buns raising in the kitchen, and we're going to have grilled garden burgers and grilled whole ear corn and some fresh asparagus today.  It's quiet and I have some lovely instrumental music playing. I have some leftover German chocolate cake for dessert, so nothing to do in that department. lol

    I realize more and more every day, to be thankful in a big way for all the little things in my life that make it so worthwhile, so full of love, so bearable (even when things aren't going the easy way).  Maybe  especially when things aren't going the easy way.  Life is always about the little things...I read a quote once that said Not everybody can do great things, but EVERYBODY can do small things with great love.  And so I try to do all the small things I can do, and do them from my heart.

  I have one big dark purple flower on my clematis at the corner of the front porch.  I treasure that one first bloom more than I ever do when it's loaded with flowers, for some reason.  The first spring peepers, the first time when I learn something new,  the first snowfall...all marking transitions into the next phase of the seasons or my life or whatever. Something special about those times, and sometimes makes me forget about the magick and beauty of all the other things that are always with me on a daily basis.

  Yesterday I met someone special. I think. In my gut, I know.  You know how it is when you are listening and hear that twing of a connection and can't wait to get next to that person. To talk and to listen and to know them. It was like that. We exchanged phone numbers and we shall see if a friendship grows from this encounter.  Even if it doesn't, I am glad to have made her acquaintance.  At my age, it seems like there aren't a lot of new friends out there to be made, though that even sounds silly as I type it. But--it feels that way sometimes...

  ...well, it's about 5 hours later than when I started this. More than that, maybe. My sister has come and gone and we had a nice dinner and a nice visit. Her husband came and got her to take her home, so I didn't have to drive down there after all. Nice...a whole day of staying home. I did a little cleaning but not too much. made a nice batch of granola and a gorgeous bunch of hamburger buns.  Seriously, if you ever make these things, you'll be hooked and you'll never buy store buns again. I don't think I'll do the veggie burgers on the grill again was almost too much. But the corn was awesome as usual and the asparagus was a treat as well.

   I'm feeling the need for some popcorn...and maybe watch a little tv if I can find something on worth watching. Reading a Patricia Cornwell book right now, Black that seemed to have gotten past me, as I've read a great many of her books. Not the one about Jack the Ripper though--somehow that doesn't interest me at all. lol  I'm about halfway through it, so if there's nothing on tv, I'll just read.  I picked up 3 more books at a yard sale over the weekend I'm [pretty stocked up with things to pass the time. lol

  Hope everyone's weekend was good and that you'll be looking forward to the first Monday of the week with a glad heart.  I have a couple of things that have been being shuffled from list to list for a few days that I absolutely HAVE to accomplish my plan is pretty much made.

  Blessings and love



  1. I think that quote is from Mother Teresa, but don't quote me--LOL! ;)

    Appreciating all the little things beings me such joy, too. When you live every day like it could be your last day--it is amazing how beautiful life can be. I had a gloriously small weekend filled with bright spots and smiles. I hope you have such a week in store. :):)

  2. It is so nice and refreshing to meet those special people with whom we hit it off with right away. Sadly, they are few and far away for me.

  3. True, it is tricky to meet and click.
    Glad you have so much in your rich world, Me too. Isn't life good!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>


  4. Your world always sounds serene and peaceful to me, even when things are happening all around you. I do hope that the new person ends up being a new friend. I think anybody who gets to have YOU in his or her life is lucky. Glad I found you myself. :-)

  5. I have been on a baking spree the last few days and I make a mean bran muffin that my kids ADORE, I tell ya. And its the little things like that, that make my day. The fact that they love those little muffins so much that they will try to swipe an extra one even when I say, "No more." My 8 year old even went to give her sister a phony hug just so that she could get close and swipe her muffin. That meant more to me than any fancy trip or expensive gift :-)

  6. Your explanations of what you prepare draw me in. I like homemade anything. I don't buy box food and I make my own muffins, not much bread.

    Isn't it a joy to meet someone new and feel a connection and want to get to know them.

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