Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A tisket, a tasket..a green and yellow basket...

  It's a beautiful Tuesday here at Honeysuckle Hill.  I woke up today thinking about having some stationery made that says:

                                             Annie Kelley
                                    Here at Honeysuckle Hill

  Now, don't ask me why I would have stationery made, since I rarely write letters anymore. I do have 2 friends that I could write to but never do--they are both women who are written- letters- on- paper kind of girls. Anyway, it was an interesting thought to wake up with.

  The sun is shining and it's about 55 degrees out there already at 9:30..heading for the mid 70's, or so they say. I was up too late and then slept kinda late (exactly enough, it would seem--I feel pretty darn good). I'm in the middle of a project of inventorying my pantries, and as usual, it's turned out to be a bigger job than I'd hoped for.  LOL   I worked at it sort of diligently yesterday, between baking bread and making granola bars and cooking supper, and have barely made it a quarter of the way through.  Arrgghh...the worst part?--I have already started a list of MORE things to get. lol Things like raisins and whole wheat flour...more things to inventory...my plan is to stop spending any more than I have to in my grocery budget by knowing what is in that pantry and eating accordingly. I do eat out of it every day, don't get me wrong. But I could easily make whole meals out of there and make room for this coming years harvest, which I need to do more of.  (Bad sentence--where are the grammar police?) 

   I made bread yesterday and the furnace guy and his brother came to figure out why the furnace wouldn't come on after he was here to fix the air, which was a wire he forgot to hook back up after he was here last year fixing the furnace. And he did it again. lol Bless his heart. It's an old jury-rigged furnace, and he would like nothing more than to sell me a new one, complete with it's own true schematic and diagramming papers, but alas...I am too poor for a new furnace, and he knows it. So he does his best to keep the old wires working one more year..anyway..I was making bread, as I said. His brother came in and slammed the door trying to beat the dogs through and the bread fell and it's not the beautiful loaves of homemade goodness I would like, so I may make croutons and bread crumbs out of it. re-purpose it into a healthy bread pudding maybe--it's rather dense, but actually tastes okay, according to the Irishman, who ate 2 pieces of it as it came out of the oven. My bread eating machine, that guy. I made it with 3 types of flour--white bread flour, buckwheat flour and a little rye.  So, I may remake it, and I may not. We'll see.

  I will probably make a trip to Edwardsville today to pick up a few odds and ends, but need to get this inventory done and then get out in the yard and get some seeds in the ground. It's still a little early around here, but I'm ready to risk it. lol   There is an upside to this little cool snap we've had---the grass is growing more slowly and doesn't look like it needs mowing a week after it was mowed last time....in fact, things look rather lush and grand out there..

  Everyone who's been by is commenting on my beautiful arbor my son built. I am so proud...lol  And the cats have chosen it as their favorite place to lounge.

  Okay--the pantry isn't getting done while I sit here musing my life away. In fact, nothing's getting done. 

And that's okay. For now.



  1. You make me smile Annie. The stationery sounds perfect for you; why not go for it.

    Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog today!

  2. Wouldn't your girlfriends who love handwritten letters be shocked if you sent them letters on your personal stationery!? ;) You could probably find a way to print it up yourself on your printer.

    I just love your posts, Annie! I could almost hear the door slam, smell the bread baking, and hear the dogs and chickens. Have a glorious day, lady!! :)

  3. I sometimes think about getting some personalized stationery, but it would languish on my desk as I bang away at the computer. :-)

  4. Muse on - life is but a dream. thanks for sharing yours, friend

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>


  5. That was a soothing post. Don't you just hate it when someone slams a door or stomps when bread or cake is rising?
