Friday, April 20, 2012

And now, after her ten day hiatus...

Sheesh.On a bright note, here is a picture of ONE of the things that happened during the 10 days I had no internet.
  My son whipped this baby up in only two days...because after he put the 4x4 posts in the ground with quickcrete, they had to set up. The only cost was for the 4x4's, everything else was leftover from another project or repurposed material.  I've been wanting to have one, and this year the goofy little 50 cent stick of wisteria that I stuck in the ground  has gone berserk. The boy had some time on his hands waiting to be called back to work and so..there you have it.  It's not overly fancy, he said...and I said the wisteria will be covering it by the end of summer--it's perfect. The bench seat is made form some heavy duty pallet slats that the Irishman brought home from work where the steel they make the culvert pipe from gets hauled on. It had to be scrubbed down once he was finished because it had a red oxidation on it that came off on my hands, so I took some dish soap and a rubber scrubber out there and cleaned it up.  Since I had the hose out, I went ahead and cleaned up the front porch furniture as well. We had a couple of serious storms that howled and flung mud and dirty rain water everywhere...and the rocking chairs and the little table were a hot mess.


  Today has taken a cool turn..and drizzly all day too.  I have a big pot of minestrone soup on the stove right now and the house has all those wonderful smells of garlic and oregano and tomato-ey goodness swirling around. Doing laundry too--the Irishman is working today and maybe tomorrow too. Grateful for the over time.  Yesterday I mowed the whole neighbor clucking at me as she watched me limping along behind the self-propelled mower. I had planted potatoes earlier in the's a little late, but the garden beds weren't ready, or it was raining. Anyway, got those in. So, today is an inside, taking it easy day. I was gonna bake bread, but didn't.  Was gonna make granola and granola bars...but didn't. Oh, well.  I have a really laid back


  The husbandman has come home and gone to take the JRT to the park for a quick walk and then to the grocery for a loaf of french bread and some shredded parm to go with the minestrone soup.  That'll be a good meal. I used orzo in it in the place of macaroni..I like to do that because the macaroni sucks up all the soup liquid when the leftovers are in the fridge. lol  Orzo too tiny to do much damage.  He came in and said "Ooooo...that really smells good!!"  

  I have the last load of laundry in the dryer and the house is warm and aromatic and it's going to be a nice quiet Friday night of being home watching tv. If there's nothing good on, we can watch a movie from our personal library--I just got 3 new ones at a thrift store the other day. One Sean Connery, called Just Cause, one Day After Tomorrow, and something else that I cannot quite recall without going to look. lol   It'll be a cozy evening in while the rain continues to come down out there. Supposed to stop this evening, but for now it's all lazy-making, all those negative ions in the air.


Okay...time to wind this up and get my self in the kitchen.  I can't tell you how glad I am to be back online...while I had no internet, however (this is SO telling)...I read 6 books, baked my brains out,  cleaned 2 closets, cleaned the mudroom, worked in the yard and generally fussed about.  I also got a lot better at using my iPhone to do some of the things it can do. But iot easn't the same as sitting here at my keyboard, reading up on what y'all have been busy with and generally feeling connected.

(The reading more was good though) lol

  Have a fabulous Friday, everyone. I need to go check on some chickens....



  1. I love your archway seat! I picture it with a comfy seat cushion in your favourite colours...colours to compliment the wisteria perhaps. lol I used to work in a fabric store ;-)Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love projects that just flow together.

  3. I missed you Annie. I am glad you are back and I too can smell the soup.

    No rain at all here, just cold. we are below norm on the rain this year.

  4. Yes, I could almost smell the soup! So glad you are back in cyberspace! Hummm...I would probably get more done if I was gone for a while, too. Oh well. I would miss everybody, too!
    I don't know what that is called, but your bench looks inviting and I can picture it covered with green plants and flowers!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. How are the chicks? I didn't realize it had been ten days, but it was a while! Nice bench, and I think I can smell that soup, too! :-)

  6. I am on the lookout, Sue for a chaise lounge type cushion to re-purpose for the bench. Something soft for my old caboose!!

    Carol--me too!! Good to see you!

    Beth--it drizzled all day here...we might be catching up a little, but had no snow, so I am sure our rainfall numbers are way low. Feeling better???

    Rita--I have a wisteria planted on the right side of that arbor, it's as high as the top of it It should erupt in big beautiful lavender colored blossoms soon!

    DJan-- The chicks are growing like weeds. They're a laugh a minute...the soup was really good..loaded with fresh and home canned veggies and lots of oregano and basil I grew myself. Made a small loaf of garlic cheese bread and we ate the whole thing!!

  7. It's nice to have you back again. That bench is very nice and will be beautiful when the plant is in bloom.

  8. I want wisteria tooooo! Such a beautiful yard you have. Representative of your beautiful life inside :-)

  9. ii am glad that you are back online and glad that you stopped by our blog with such a sweet comment! your hubby sounds as awesome as mine - good for you! i thank God daily for my hubby as well. anyway, i have clicked the follow button on your blog and intend to come back often! again, thanks for the sweet comment!

    your new friend,

  10. The bench your son made for you looks great. Aren't you fortunate that he lives close enough to help sometimes when he isn't working.

    I don't know what I would do if I didn't have internet for so many days. I mean, of course I would survive, but I would sure miss my friends online.

    I can't beleive you were able to mow your entire lawn. Wow.

  11. MDCM-- It will neighbor has a huge old wisteria that takes my breath away it's so gorgeous. and thanks--it's good to be back, that's for sure!!

    Kristin--I'll send you some. Do you have a place to plant it? Gotta be a little careful with it, it can be pretty invasive to house foundations and such. (And the next time you come to IL--CALL ME!!!!!!) sheesh,

    Kymber!! Hello, you!! So glad you stopped by. I love your blog and all the LOVE...certainly it is one of the more Elegant blessings in our lives!

    CiCi--I can't believe I mowed it all either, but am glad I got it done, as we've had 2 days of rain since. (And believe me, I was (inwardly) beside myself. Everything I wanted to do, I wanted eo do online and couldn't..well--I do have an iPhone, but--it's just not the same!!!)

    I am especially blessed where the boy is concerned. Hands down.
