Thursday, March 1, 2012

MARCH ?? OMG--I can barely WALK !!

  Today is the beginning of spring cleaning month. LOL  I have great plans for this day, and it'll be interesting to see how much comes to fruition. As I know better than anyone..."[wo]Man makes plans, and God laughs."

  Generally the plan is to seriously attack the carpets and this office.  Regular old cleaning on the rest. But I do need to take down my sheers in the living room and wash those. They are full of cat and dog slobber and goo.  yuck.   We have a couple of lovely women coming for supper tomorrow night and so I have to get a certain amount of cleaning done anyway. I have an overflowing laundry basket and it's supposed to be in the 60's again, so I could hang the laundry out to dry on the line.  Yesterday would have been perfect--it was so windy all day you could have dried things in half an hour. Today --not so much. But warm and sunny, and that's good enough.  I can clean up the floors and get some general cleaning done and then tomorrow I'll only have to minimally clear up. because overnight, these dogs and this man can undo everything I have done, just by being here. That's just how it is.

  Still not sure what I'm fixing for the company.  They are not vegetarians, but would like to be. lol  So maybe I can wow'em with something that will give them the push they need.  Or not.  It's always fun to amaze people with food preparation...and it seems like the simpler it is, the more they like it. 

  I spent yesterday with my neighbor, so his wife could have a day out with friends and doing some good stuff for herself.  It was a nice, but long, day.  By the time I got home it was an hour before the Irishman got home from work and I had nothing made for supper. So--I fixed breakfast. With yummy potatoes full of onions and garlic and bell peppers, a couple of over easy eggs on top and english muffins.  It was satisfying and filling and delicious.  Problem solved.  I was going to fix omelets full of spinach and stuff....but at the last minute I just didn't have it in me to go that extra step.  And he certainly doesn't care. he is the easiest-going man I have ever met when it comes to feeding him. He will try anything once. he loves almost everything, and he never-ever-complains.  I am especially blessed.

  I think for supper tonight I'll just do an easy stir-fry. I can do all that at the last minute as I still have leftover quinoa. I have a block of tofu in there too...hmmm....Or maybe even cook some lentils.  sigh...the possibilities are endless  :)   BTW--I checked my blood pressure on my neighbors new fancy dancey bp was 127/65.  Imagine that....

   It's shaping up to be a lovely day out there, so I'd better get going. Still chilly...37 degrees at 8 AM.  But it's sunny and clear and I am so ready to get the windows open again and let the fresh air blow through. I had them open all day yesterday--it was 50 degrees before 9 o'clock.  So, I'll get 'er opened up and clean some and enjoy this beautiful day...may even find the time to make a run into town and see my sister's new dog and pick up some things she has for me, as well as take the kennel back to the people who loaned it to us when we got Bella.  That will be a major deconstruction...and the cats are going to miss their spot to lay in front of the windows here in the office. I'll have to find them a replacement. lol  There are 3 of them up there right now...

  Alright, campers--get out there and have a good day.

  Are any of you starting your spring cleaning yet? (Your homes probably don't get like mine...8 cats and 4 dogs and a bird and a man....makes for some cleaning opportunities.)  Is it 19 days til spring??  Do I get to use all of those days to get it all done?  lol   Are there ANY rules regarding all this??   

  Glorious sunny days....hope you all have a good one.  



  1. You are a bundle of energy today. I hope you get everything done that you have visions of getting done. You do have a full house with all your critters and the Irishman. he he - love a household with pets.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My mom is spring cleaning while I sit on my behind....I'm really lucky to have her with me and she loves this sort of stuff....
    Annie, have you seen the cooking site called The Macro Chef yet? Not sure how you feel about links in comments so I'll skip that part but he's a great vegetarian chef.....I find inspiration there all the time.

  4. I'm moving so I consider that spring cleaning. Everything goes out and then comes back in.

  5. I hate spring cleaning, but the Good Lord Willing and the creeks don't rise I manage to get it done each spring.

  6. My life is so easy when I think of yours, with all those animals AND a husband! You amaze me!

  7. Have I missed something? Are you becoming vegetarian? Perhaps you posted about it and I missed it?

    Well done on the motivation to clean. I simply don't have it. Maybe I'll catch it from you??
