Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It was more like the Twilight Zone...

 Listen to this, people: 

  Today I had to go to the DMV.  We all know what that means. Frustration, long lines, [un]civil servants.  An entity that has generally risen to it's ultimate inefficiency.  I never go without taking a book to read, because it doesn't matter what your business is there, it will take 3 times longer to do it than it ever should.

  Except for today.

  Let me step back a minute and tell you about the dream I had last night.  I dreamed that I was standing outside the DMV, at the door, when a scary voice boomed out-"DO NOT GO INSIDE !"   I looked around and over and up and decided it was God, giving me a chance to save myself.  I knew I needed to get a sticker for my husbands truck license, and I knew that it had to be that day. I looked around again and stepped towards the door, when again the voice boomed: "GO AWAY FROM THIS PLACE !!"  I hesitated a moment too long, and the doors were flung open with an extraordinary force and tentacles, hundreds of them, came out, grabbing my legs and and arms and torso and pulled me in. The door slammed shut and in the darkness I screamed and screamed.  Until I woke myself up.

  So. As you can imagine, I wasn't so keen on having to go to the DMV this morning.  Especially since I had to pay 99 dollars for that stupid license plate sticker.  I pulled up in the parking lot, which was only moderately full, got out, took a deep breath and went inside.

  I walked to the back where you get the stickers, no one was there. A woman came out from a room next to that area, took my money, gave me the sticker and I was back in my car within 5 minutes.

  And THAT, my friends, is weirder than ANY nightmare I could ever have possibly had.


    Got some sourdough starter  going today. Went to the DMV and the new CVS pharmacy. Met my baby sister and her daughter for lunch--went to the Starbucks for a back-up pound of Sumatran, since I took the last one out of the pantry.  Stopped by the credit union and paid the truck payment.  Came back home and did nothing. Had both deliveries of things I ordered from Amazon show up--one from the USPS and one from the UPS.  One was a case of organic coconut milk and the other was 2- 8 packages (each) boxes of organic soba noodles. The price difference between what I have to pay here, and what I can get them for from Amazon is 50%. And because I have Amazon Prime, I pay no shipping. So....I had to do it. lol  And now I won't have to buy either for a long time. My conscience twinges due to the carbon footprint AND the fact that I like to buy from local markets when I can. But not so much that it stopped me from ordering them when I saw the price difference.


 Watched an interesting PBS documentary on the Amish tonight. It was very unbiased I thought and I learned things I didn't know about them and their history.  It was 2 hours long...


  Still trying to decide what to serve my supper guests on Friday.  I have a wide berth, as the only restrictions I was given were -one's allergic to chocolate and neither of them like anchovies or sardines.  LOL easy peasy. I promised  no fish with mole sauce, and they gave me baffled looks.  I ate the remaining coconut custard tonight watching the Amish, and if it's possible, it was even better than the day I made them.  Of course, they didn't get properly cooled on Sunday...but they were still awesome.   I would definitely make that again. It was easy and yummy.


  Tomorrow I will go sit with my neighbor's husband who has Parkinsons so she can go out to lunch with some friends and get away a bit. I'll take The Girl With The Dragon tattoo along and maybe get some more read.  It is starting to move along a little better...either I am starting to get used to the Swedish landscape or the writing.  I'm sure it's me.  lol

   It was a lovely day today and the same is expected for tomorrow .  It's 54 right now, at almost 10 PM and the low for tomorrow is 36 and the high about 64.  Crazy weather for February in the middle west. If my neighbor is up for it, maybe we can take a walk around the property a little.  If not, we'll watch tv and he'll nap and I'll read.  He's a really great guy, and I have always loved talking to him. He was real active with the Boy Scouts when his son was young, and stayed in it til WAY after the boy grew into a research scientist who now works at Stanford.  They honored him with a banquet a couple of years ago...before the disease got him. He's a real sweetheart.


  I think I hear my husband pulling in the driveway. he went to a meeting in a town about 35 miles from here as part of his DCM duties. I think it may have been rather begrudgingly, but --you do what you have to do.  It's the life of service.  LOL


  Alrighty then. It's time for me to wind up here and get my gaming in for the night before I have to go to bed.

  Sleep well, my darlings.

  PS--DJan--I was not tempted to eat the ribs.  LOL  They made me a fettuccine alfredo with steamed veggies.  And I had a really great salad.  And then made veggie burgers for supper tonight so that the Irishman could eat and run.



  1. The DMV gives me nightmares too. The agents in there are rude and arrogant. When I moved here in 2010 and went to renew my Korean War license sticker they took it away from me because Jim was deceased.

  2. Oh! A P.S. just for ME! Thanks for letting me know, because I did wonder.

    I had to laugh at the nightmare and the reality. I wonder what all that means? You are right that the reality is almost more scary than the tentacles wrapping around your ankle! :-)

  3. A visit to the DMV gives everyone a nightmare - but you survived it. I'm having a mental block as to when my next visit is.

  4. I haven't had too many DMV problems since moving to WV but they have this weird property tax law here and dealing with that BS at the assessor's office is always a joy. NOT.

  5. Twilight zone is right. Not a nice dream. 5 minute visit to the DMV is amazing.

    Hope you sleep well.
