Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 2 of Month 3.....

  My new Baker Creek catalog came today.  yeehaw!!

   We had a lovely supper tonight with 2 women friends who were intelligent lively conversationalists. They are basically city women. They had no idea about the whole Monsanto/GMO issue...and as we explained it all, they were dumbstruck.  The Irishman and I looked at each other and had that old married couple telepathic moment: How can anyone not know about this ???  It all leaves me wondering : is my own world so small that it doesn't occur to me that everything central to my life is not also central to everyone else's ??  lol  Oy vey.  But you can bet your bottom dollar that we schooled 'em...yes we did, sir !

   I delighted and amazed them with a supper of aglio y olio accompanied by a beautiful mixed salad of all organic  greens and veggies, and freshly made Italian bread. Then we had angel food cake and our sliced peaches and whipped cream  for dessert. It was heavenly. I love that pasta dish!  I used a whole head of garlic and simmered the thinly sliced pieces in about 2/3 cup of extra virgin organic olive oil. Tossed with thin spaghetti, fresh chopped parsley and shredded parmesan cheese.  Oh. My. God.  


  It has been a crazy weather day around these parts. From a high yesterday of 65 to a morning of rain and hail and madness. Tornadoes whirling around us, but not close enough top notice. I let the dogs out for their last potty break of the night, and the cars are covered in a very thick frost.  The smart phone says it 36 degrees out there, but it sure feels colder...


  Been on a spring cleaning frenzy that concluded today. Got all the curtains washed, the blankets (don't ask),  furniture vacuumed, floors cleaned....whew.  Did 5 loads of laundry yesterday and hung most of it outside on the line. So everything smelled really good.  Took things off my kitchen counters and scrubbed those, cleaned the microwave, and even the ceiling fans. Got most of my office cleaned up...desk calendar updated for March, bills paid and all the bookshelves dusted. Took the big kennel apart and put it in my car to return it to it's owner tomorrow.  Cleaned it up and cleaned all around where it was sitting.

  There's still stuff to do, but I'm not doing anymore for a few days. I'm tired.  lol


   It's time for me to go to bed....spent a bit of time chatting with a friend who's having health issues  and now it's way past my bedtime.  But I'm trying to be more consistent about posting here and wanted to stop in and say

  Going to my sisters tomorrow and we're going to lunch I guess...I don't know where we can eat that will have any decent vegetarian food.  She's  not a very...adventurous...eater.  And there's not a lot of places to go near where she lives. Oh well....we'll find someplace.

  And yes, Kristin---the Irishman and I are embarking on a vegetarian diet. About 2 weeks now, I guess...we were trying to finish off whatever meat we still had in the freezer first, but we're not eating  and there's still some left. It's been going quite well, actually....we've been eating several meatless meals a week for about a year now anyway...


  I'm going to bed. And dream about heirloom vegetables and planting seeds and making my own way in the world, as much as I can.  Hope your dreams are sweet too!



  1. I feel very fortunate to live in a part of the country that is very conscious of the whole GMO controversy. In fact, my community food co-op has started tagging the products on their shelves that have been certified to be non-GMO. You don't find that in the local Safeway. :-)

  2. dinner sounds wonderfully good, and dessert, oo la la la.

    i do like your spirit of adventure. the mister here, is not adventurous at all. sigh.

    spring cleaning, wow, is march.

    take care of you.

  3. Nice you can actually find stuff that is non-GMO, not here even at New Seasons and Whole Foods where their organic is supposed to be non-GMO..Your dinner sounded so yummmmmy...spring cleaning, we have 4 cats all inside, I clean a lot each and everyday and have 2 vaccuum cleaners to boot, hubby is retired, he helps a tad bit, but he worked so da-- hard in the job he labored at for about 40 years I treat him like the KING he is in our home and he is so happy to bloom, getting to do what he wants when he wants, he volunteers a lot for the food pantry and soup kitchen and several elderly fellows who are almost 90 and in great shape, they walk and talk and have a wicked dessert at a pie shop my friend owns..have a great weekend...

  4. I had to Google Monsanto GMO to find out what you were talking about. I still don't understand it.

    Your meal sounds so good!!

  5. I had to look up GMO also. Once I googled it, I remembered what it was. Sometimes I think we should go back to the days of growing all our own food, but not at the age I'm at now.

  6. GMO scares the sh*t out of me. What corporations will do to make higher profits is just plain terrifying.

    Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting and got a heck of a lot done cleaning! Wow! Have a great week. :)
