Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Winning Wednesday...

  Wow.  Wow oh wow oh wow.

  I received my new Hewlett Packard computer this afternoon.  It arrived right before time for me to leave, so I didn't get to play until tonight.  It's all hooked up and I am trying to get used to the new keyboard and mouse. Not to mention Windows 7 instead of XP.  I did not download anything off the old computer, so I am starting all fresh here. There is so much crap on the old Compaq that I couldn't bear the thought.  lol

  This thing is a dream come true. It is incredibly fast.  So far, I am loving it. (Stay tuned to see if the romance

  I haven't downloaded my new camera software on it yet, but will probably do that tomorrow when I'm not so tired.  It's midnight now and I'm about bushed.

  Cooked up a mess of sweet and smokey barbequed ribs for supper tonight. I made some bbq sauce using splenda and a fair amount of cayenne pepper, liquid smoke and spices. Smashed some taters and opened some homemade applesauce and made a salad. I took ribs and salad with me for my supper and the Irishman had the carbs with him. I actually took a ittle bit of mashed potatoes, but I couldn't eat them. :)   Don't ask me...I have been eating a very low carb diet for two and a half weeks now, trying to lose some weight. So far, I am down 7 pounds.  I am not being real strict about the eating plan, but am staying away from sugar and breads and pastas. I am also reading carb counts and trying to keep it very low. I actually feel better body was going through some detoxing I reckon. I haven't felt real bad...just edgy. 

   I'm doing the food ala The Carbohydrate Addicts Lifespan Program by the Hellers. A dear friend of mine turned me onto this and said it was her guide when she lost a hundred pounds.  The best part--I get to eat 2 big salads a day and enough fresh vegetables to keep me sane.  So, I'll keep you informed (like you really care) about how it's working.  I am finding my craving for sweets and carbs is going away. The only thing I really miss is popcorn. And in the past 2.5 weeks, I made some ONE night, when I was craving something salty. and was GOOD.  lol

  The sun was out today and it got close to 70 degrees. A beautiful day and there are more to come. Then we have thunderstorms coming. But it's staying relatively warm, even then. So I can manage. I was up at 6:30 to the sounds of birdsong and dogs barking in the distance. It was a beautiful thing...

  Okay. I'm gonna play a little more and then head for bed.  So glad I get to stay home on Fridays...

  Prayers and blessings offered up for our Japanese family. 



  1. Enjoy the new computer! It is good to see you are doing well and taking good care. I'm doing my best.

    I go in for shoulder surgery on Wednesday, and will be in hospital a few days and then a couple of months recovery. Please pray for me!

  2. I always say a prayer for you, my friend...and I will beef it up some. PLease take good care and give your shoulder all the time it needs to heal.

    Love you...
