Saturday, March 19, 2011

Supermoon Saturday...

Still have not been able to get the photo software into my computer right. Argghhh...and it looks like I may need another powercord too...the one that came with the camera is 3 cords all connected to each other. And one of them looks like the one my other digital camera connects to the cpu with, but....I am such a technotard...

  The weather is steadily improving around these parts. Yesterday was grey and rainy, and we battled that by going to Red Lobster for supper. They are having lobster fest and so we splurged and ate like big dogs. The Maine lobster was incredibly sweet...of course, I HAD to eat one of the cheddar biscuits, diet or no diet. It was astonishingly good, and I only ate one.  lol  I did skip the potatoes and sugar, so....WTH.  Today I am back on track and feeling pretty good about myself. Monday I start back  at the gym, 10 AM water arthritis classes. Wanted to make sure this bacterial pneumonia was in check before I went there.

 Quiet here. Thinking about my complete lack of participation in meetings these days. My tolerance quotient went out the window some months back, and I have been on hiatus. It is what it is. But I must admit that I truly miss my love affair with AA. Still and all, my life is good and drama-free and serene for the most part. THAT  I like.

  Life goes on...and it's time for me to get my lunch fixed to take with me to MissB's.  I am eating a big salad everyday and no sugar. Pretty much no white flour and no junk food or fast food or any of that. I feel much better.

  My pal Andrew has shoulder surgery coming up...prayers for his complete healing and safety.  Love you, my friend !!

  Have a grand weekend, all y'all....


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