Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Titillating Tuesday

Having a problem with this computer not wanting to load pictures...does it know it's days are numbered??  Is it just being spiteful??  lol  Let's try it a fourth time...

 Guess I'll have to come back later and give it another go.  arrgghh...  Awwww..there they are.  My little beastie babies...

 It's a rather dismal day today, but at least it isn't snowing/raining/freezing.  I have fed the critters, colored my hair, gathered eggs and now have some hardboiling on the stove. I plan to make a tuna salad for lunch/supper. I'm hungry--didn't have any breakfast today. Didn't even get up until after 9 AM. I had 2 cups of crappy coffee at 7 PM at MissB's house last night, and it was 2:30 AM before I went to sleep. [Note to self: NO MORE COFFEE AFTER 5 !!!!!!]  lol

  Prayers and concern for the Japanese people and countryside.  I have been a vehement anti-nuclear activist for all my life, it seems. From the first time I heard Dr. Helen Caldicott and the Physicians for Social Responsibility back in the ...was it the 70's??  This is the kind of thing to be terrified about.  And no matter how smart we think we are, we cannot account for every scenario. Check her out here:  http://www.abc.net.au/schoolstv/australians/caldicott.htm

  Doing a couple of small loads of laundry, puttering around and praying for spring. I'm ready for the unrelenting heat and sunshine.  I'm ready to put in my garden. I'm ready to sweat and play and work outside. 

  I hope that everyone is enjoying their day. Going to make Patrick some Irish soda bread tomorrow.  Haven't decided about the corned beef and cabbage...but it sounds better all the time.  Made some Italian herbed pork chops with rice and steamed broccoli last night for supper. He gets leftovers tonight. lol  There's still a little meatloaf, and some sesame teriyaki chicken in there. 

  Blessings across the planet.


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