Monday, March 14, 2011

Mish Mash Monday

The day started off calls from people asking about the snow (didn't get a flurry)...then other strange requests from a person and just...oh, you know. A day in the life of a recovering alcoholic, lol.  For years I have been surrounded by a, shall we of people.  And the more things change, the more they stay the same.  lol

  It is chilly here today. And supposed to warm back up, but I'm not holding my breath. Just looked at the forecast for the week, and it actually looks pretty reasonable. But this time of year can get tricky and unpredictable. The seed catalogs (2 more came this weekend) are calling me.

 Had an unfortunate event this weekend. My upright freezer gave up the ghost and I lost about 10 quarts of bell peppers from last years garden, as well as a few bags of corn and some edamame. Not a lot of stuff, because I thought it was acting funny and had moved some things into the chest freezer, but still...a loss is a loss. I bought the freezer off somebody on Craig's List about 3 years ago for a hundred dollars. I guess I got my money out of it. I'm glad it was this late in the year...we had eaten a huge amount of all the stuff I froze already. The hardest part was having to pitch 4 quarts of peaches off our trees. I still have more, I think, in the chest freezer. sigh....

 Am waiting with baited breath on my new computer. It shipped out of El Paso,TX on Friday, so should be arriving in the next day or so, I would imagine.

  I just went to the door to let Molly in, and saw the sky open up and big fluffy white flakes start falling.  Guess it's snowing here after

  Well, gonna make the Irishman some pork chops for supper and clean up myself and the kitchen and get ready to head for town. I could easily stay in all day and go nowhere.  But, I'll putz around here for a while longer, make my grocery list, and try to stay in the flow. Lots of little things need doing, and I may--or may not-- do them. 

  I baked 2 lemon meringue pies from scratch yesterday--they were fabulous. One was for MissB--it's her favorite. And one for my honey. When I get my new computer, I'll set up the new photo software for the camera and get some pics on here. The current one doesn't have all the graphics capability to use the new photoshop ware...

  Okay. Galloping off into the day like a herd of turtles....



  1. I hadn't seen you since February so glad that you're around, mish-mash or whatever. Random thought, I wish you were my neighbor. I feel the peaches, painful.

  2. I am with Carol, I wish you were my neighbor too! I am so glad to hear from you and cannot wait to see more pics and such...

    I have an eclectic group of friends also...
    Much love
