Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Typical Tuesday

 Pretty good shot of chicken butt...if I do say so myself....lol

  Late getting here. Spent a big chunk of the day with my friend at Garden Ridge...she bought a beautiful wind chime and some other stuff.  I bought an Elmore Leonard book.  I know, I know. She kept encouraging me to buy, buy, buy. But nothing excited me enough to get it. So...except the book. I LOVE Elmore Leonard and have read a great number of his books.  He's a prolific writer and my hero. 

 It was 82  degrees today!  And windy. We are expecting thunderstorms tomorrow.but right now, after midnight, it is 75 degrees. Crazy. I actually had to turn on the air conditioning today It was really hot and stuffy in here. I only set it at 76 degrees, but still...I always try to wait til the last unbearable minute before turning that sucker on...

  Tomorrow I am going to the recovery house and do some step work with a new sponsling. And before that am meeting an old sponsling for an early lunch get together.  THEN...I am taking a couple of days off.

  I am watching trees leaf out and plants grow like they are on speeded up video. It's nuts, I tell you. When I got home today from shopping, the clematis was 2 inches taller than when I left. AND the weeping fruitless mulberry sprouted leaves. I LOVE spring. It's magickal.

  The chickies and kitties are growing like weeds.  The local farm pastures are full of newborn calves. 

  I am saddened by the story out of West Virginia and the loss of lives in that coal mine. We have a rich history of mines in this area and the town of Mt. Olive has a miners cemetery, where the bones of Mother Jones are interred. There was actually a bloody massacre at a town called Virden here, back when they were trying to unionize the mines. Please say a small prayer for the families and their devastating losses...

   All the doggies are in, so I guess I can go to bed now. It's almost 1 AM and this old hen is tired. 



  1. They are so cute. 82? Lucky you!

  2. Spricg chick is what you are my friend!

  3. How do you stay up until 1am...you must be a spring chicken!

  4. I'm glad to hear that spring has sprung on the Prairie.

    So what ever happened about Molly and the allegations of her attacking the neighbors dog?

  5. It's great that you didn't allow yourself to be pulled into buying something you didn't really want. And I agree with Sherry! I had been snoozing for hours by the time you went to bed!

  6. LOL...I don't sleep much a lot of the time...last night was down at almost 2 and up again at 7:30...

    Thanks everyone--they are so cute...but really messy. I need to clean that cage this morning!

    Paxaa...she's on a long lead thru the day and runs like hell once it gets dark. It's working out okay...but she's heartbroken for a minute when the other dogs leave her. Thankfully, they are hanging around a lot...supporting her. They are her posse, you know....lol.

    DJan..I've never been one of those shoppy girls. EVER. I buy what I need and go home. lol But we still had a good day together...
