Thursday, April 8, 2010

Feels like fall today...

  But this weather can't fool me. Outside the window of my office, I can see the peach tree that is loaded with blossoms this year after a decent pruning last winter. And the lilac has erupted in blossoms over by the fence.  My Montmorency cherry tree is blooming now too, as well as the apple. The irises and lilies are bigger every day, and the weeping mulberry is suddenly green. 2 days ago, it was 82 degrees. Today is not making it to 60.  Tonight is supposed to be chilly, but then the temps begin to slowly climb back up to where they should be, mid 70's.  We had a short but serious storm yesterday...some straight line winds, but no damage. It got nasty fast. Mother Nature can be swift and vengeful.

  I've pretty much taken the day off today...stayed home and vacuumed and cleaned the little chickies pen. I swept down the front porch, which is full of all sorts of seed pods and such, all being tracked into the house like crazy. Fed the big chickens, fed and cleaned and watered all the cats and dogs dishes.  Wanted to get some laundry done,  but it's gonna have to wait til tomorrow, because I'm not doing anything else today. lol I will be going to my womens meeting tonight at 7.

  Just got an email from the University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana...they are sending me a full set of edamame seed to grow as part of an experiment to see if I might want to make them a continual part of my gardening.  I'm excited...I love those beans. And the nutritional content is  out of this world..they are a complete protein, have no cholesterol and very little  saturated fat. They are high in Vitamin C, K, manganese and folate. They are a good source of dietary fiber, iron, calcium, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorous and copper.  A good food source for the  subsistence gardener.

   Eating leftovers for supper, so I don't have to cook. I think I'm going to take a shower in a minute and get myself ready for the girls.  I made a wonderful ground turkey/ pork sausage meatloaf for supper last night, with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli, and the night before that, it was bbq'd chicken. So...the leftover choices are good.  

   It's been a relaxing day ...and not totally unproductive.  Life is good.



  1. Your "days off" are like most people's workouts! I also love edamame and hope this does turn out for you. I will look forward to hearing about it.

  2. We had high winds and lots of rain yesterday. Today it has been gorgeous. My SIL had just spoken about edamame to me when we were talking about cholesterol. She eats them and was recommending them to me. I am going to find them next week on the grocery run.

  3. I am moving to your house...okay.

    I love your posts and wish you would put them all in a book for us to read about your adventures.

    Love you

  4. I see Barbara Kingsolver on your booklist, happy birthday to her today. I learned it from the Writer's Almanac on the NPR radio website by Garrison Keillor. A new poem every day, and birthdays of writers.HERE
    Have a great spring day.

  5. Dianne--I get The Writer's Almanac every day!! Love it...

    DJan--I'll sure be posting about it. And maybe that's why I feel so tired after my day off...ya think?? lol

    Technobabe--I really like edamame, and it freezes well. google Gardensoy...we are supposed to have a light frost tonight! Waahhgghhhh...

    C'mon Gabs...You can sleep in the spare room with the chicks. The bed in there is great. They'll only be there another few weeks, and then you can have the room all to yourself. lol AND you can help me write that book....

  6. You always inspire me -- please let us know how the edamame beans grow -- what suits them best and how much water they need. We get them here only in Woolworths and I use them in stirfries and Japanese dishes with miso. They are delicious and so nutritious, but I can't get seedlings to try out.

    Gardeners talk the same practical language of love everywhere.

  7. You and nature are one. I love your descriptions of the flora and fauna. I can truly visualize much of what you write about.

    I'm so glad I am feeling better and able to visit the blogs I so dearly love to read.

