Monday, April 5, 2010

Post Easter week madness...



    Spring is here. The peach trees are sprouting their lovely pink blossoms and the lilac is leafing out. The clematis is over 5 inches tall in only the last 4 days. I have to get the trellis out soon for it. It grows at the corner of the front deck and looks like this at  it's peak...

It's freaking gorgeous. And it grows so fast it's scary. lol

  The grass is filling in. We planted grass seed Saturday over where the water mains were set and the  trenches have sunk. The Irishman brought dirt home from work, where they are building a new truck lot.. and filled the sinkhole. I took a stroll around the yard yesterday after coming home from my brothers and saw that the tiger lilies I planted last year (free from a friends yard renovation) are up in about 6 inch high clumps and look great. The yellow irises I planted around the bottom of the rock wall are looking all spring green and healthy too...more from the same yard reno.  I have a friend getting ready to give me some sweet sage and some rhubarb from her yard.  I LOVE freebies, don't you?? I also love having little pieces of my friends lives growing in my world. I have a lilac out back that was a gift from my old neighbor Mary in North Carolina. I have a Japanese Maple from my pal Kim there too. I have a clump of beautiful lilies given to me last year by my friend Dorothy that are planted at the bottom corner of my little stairway  at the corner of the rock wall.  I wasn't sure they were going to make it, but there they are, standing strong.  I have a small stand of Siberian Irises that need relocating and hopefully I'll get that done soon, a gift from the yard of my friend Persis.  I like walking around, seeing the plants, and remembering the blessings of friendships. I am one lucky duck. 

  It's another beautiful day on the horizon. 63 right now. We had some serious storms last night, and I couldn't get on the computer, but sat up reading until after 1:30, when the winds were gone as quickly as they'd come. It stormed for a good 3 or 4 hours.  It smelled absolutely wonderful out there.

  My life is busy right now, with lots of diverse activities. Had a few friends for supper on Saturday night...made homemade pizzas and a big salad and we had a ball. It was such a blessing to be with intelligent, fun folks.  I know that things will get busier and busier and I will have to start choosing the ways I spend what little free time I have...and still have some left over for me and the things I need and want to do. 

  Feels good to be back online and blogging...can't believe it was only a week I was away....feels like 3 !!  I have sooooo much reading to catch up on !

  Have a blessed day, everyone. Hope you all had a restful weekend and got to share in the blessings of the season.



  1. You have some lovely foliage as well as memories attached to your yard and plants. Your pizza party sounds like lots of fun. Glad things are going well for you.

  2. I hope to dig in the mud this week. Huge storm drenched central California last night, we've had years of drought.

    I will post wildflower madness from Shell Creek Road, Templeton, Ca. it is also on the web

  3. Good to see you back on line!

    Glad that the flowers and grass are growing, not here yet.

  4. I had to laugh when I read "Had a few friends for supper last night." I'll bet you were full! :-)

    And yes, it's good to see you back on line, with your very unique way of looking at the world. How come I get addicted to certain writing styles? I always feel like I was sitting at your house with you after reading one of your posts.

  5. Last night on faceBook (I haven't been there regularly) I WONDERED where ws you, Annie. Off line, is like being "off-feed" it is almost an illness when it happens--one over which there is no relief except POWER...complete and instant recovery

    Think of you folks often...also Andrew, and that Marine....and those CATS!

  6. Oh I so want to come to your house for dinner sometime and lounge on your porch. I wear all sorts of flowers in my hair grown in my yard.

    Thank you for the post Easter update and glad to hear about it...

    much love

  7. Gorgeous clematis Annie

    xx smooch Mary

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