Monday, March 29, 2010

Funday Monday

It's been a long day...started off with an early physical therapy appointment. The place I'm going is staffed with some really nice people and today I did enough new stuff to make me very sore tonight.  I don't go back until Wednesday and it's a good thing...I might be ready by then.  Maybe. lol

Picked up the young Prince and headed for IHOP for lunch then came home to be amazed by all the new kitties and chicks. It's been a good day, full of the blessings of family and pets and lots of love.  

He's going to stay for several days as it's spring break. Trying to figure out what wonderful stuff we can do tomorrow. Should be lots of fun.

This morning when I went to clean up the area under my desk where the kittens were born, I discovered that sometime during the night, Blaze gave birth to one more kitten, so we now have 6. They are all so adorable and mewling like crazy, every time she shifts or leaves them.  They are so tiny...they look like little gophers. lol  The chicks are doing well in their cage in the spare bedroom. I can't stop myself from going in and picking them up all the time and loving on them.  They are adorable, and it doesn't take long for them to outgrow that stage. lol  I want to handle them as much as I can to keep them used to me and to know that I am their caretaker. That way they'll be much more user friendly when they get grown.

Nice weather today and predicted for the rest of the week. It's rather warm tonight and supposed to stay this way, I hope. I so want to get out and start planting some stuff in the garden,  Get some lettuce started maybe and some tomatoes. Hoping to sit down with the Irishman and figure out just what we're planting soon. Lots of things blooming around these parts, and the fruit trees are budding out too. Spring fever--I got it, baby!!

Gonna hit the hay...tired to the bone tonight. Looking forward to another day of sunshine and blue skies tomorrow.



  1. Hi - Your post was warm and fuzzy! Thanks and have a wonderful day today!

  2. Nice to know that physical therapy is working. And six kitties now! Enjoy the sunshine and hope you get the rest you deserve.

  3. Please keep the animal pics coming, I can't have kitties and my cocker spaniel would be way too interested in chickens, I have to enjoy them vicariously through you!

  4. That picture is hilarious!

    I've got spring fever here, too!
