Thursday, April 15, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things....

These are the giant hostas in front of the back deck.    They are coming up now, with unfurled leaves of green and white and the fat purple nubs  that show first.  I always love these bad boys...they are gorgeous.

   Been a busy couple of days, with beautiful temps, sunny and mid 80's. Someone said that it is supposed to cool down again,. and get back to normal April temperatures later this week. Oops. I guess that's tomorrow.   My sister-in-law who lives in Minnesota told me it was raining there this morning. We could use some rain here too, and today got a little overcast from time to time, but no water fell from the sky.

  I got the rest of the leaf compost distributed around, and also planted the butternut squash seeds in the peat pots to get them started.  Tomorrow I may start some tomatoes. But first I have a doctors appointment with the Orthopedic guy, at 9 AM, and so I'm trying to wind it up and get to bed.  The Irishman was supposed to bring home some bags of composted manure, but he forgot. I'm hoping he'll get it first thing tomorrow and get it on the garden so we can work it in before the rains come.

  Took about a one hour nap today, fell asleep on the couch. I think I was out in that hot humidity and sun a little too long this afternoon...felt a little goo-ish. Came in and sat on the couch and before I knew it, I was asleep. Woke up with G-Rod the big orange cat on my chest, staring at my face. That's always a weighs about 13 pounds.

  I cooked a couple of those extra thick pork loin chops for supper tonight...I have a recipe that we love that came form a low carb cookbook, and the ingredients include onions and apples and cidaer vinegar and soy sauce. They really are marvelous. Heated up some peas and made a box of stuffing. LAzy cook's meal.  lol

  I feel so boring these days I don't even want to write. The kittens are growing like weeds, and the first batch was 3 weeks old on Wednesday. They are out and about and scurrying around as fast and clumsily as their little feet can take them. Absolutely adorable. The second batch are 2 weeks old and still snuggling and sleeping a lot. It's truly amazing how quickly they grow and develop.

  Alright....I'm off to bed so I can get up in time to make my dr appt.  I am going to try and talk him into giving me a shot of cortisone into this knee and see if that might help speed things up some.  I'm getting tired of all this.

  Goodnight....and all your dreams be in technicolor!



  1. Positive healing thoughts for your health Annie -- love those hostas! Do you have snails menacing them?

  2. Yes, sending Reiki and Diksah into your knee...great healing energy.

  3. My Hostas are just poking up - but my Daff's are blazing. Roses are leafing- just need some mulch- did the compost thing... 2 brother cats are Mousing, & moling- everyone is just shedding.

  4. I hope he will give you that shot, it will help. And you are rarely actually RESTING it, as busy as you are. What are you going to do with all those kittens?

  5. Funny, you feel boring but it isn't that way here in your posts. Maybe you really don't know that you do so much in one day compared to so many people, myself included. The hostas are huge and gorgeous.

  6. I'm glad your weather is getting nice. I love the heat and humidity. Bring it on!

  7. Never boring sister.
    Love you much. See you soon.

  8. GHURL! How in the hell do you find time to be bored. You're busier than a one winged fly trying to get out of the frying pan. Hope all goes well at the DOKTOR.
