Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is it still April ??

Caylee and Lucy patrolling the work of the water department...


  Another gorgeous day here on the Prairie. The water company sent a nice young man to my house today on a Bobcat...to repair the trenches that have sunk all up and down the road. We had already filled it in with dirt, but he tilled it up and leveled it out nicely, and came back a few hours later and sowed more grass seed.  I have high hopes for the return of my yard, lol.

  I took it easy today, baked bread this evening,  and cleaned my closet. I have lost an entire set of sheets somewhere...decided to change the bed and lose the flannel sheets. Found a different set that I put on the bed and cleaned out my closet because I thought surely they had to be in there somewhere...no luck. When the Irishman came home from work, he arrived with a truck load of composted leaf material from the neighbors. So...we shoveled it into the potato bed, the small bed, and made a big pile of it at the foot of another bed. I made a big batch of brown rice and a chicken stir fry with pineapple, carrots, peppers and celery, onion and garlic for supper. It was delish.

 The first batch of kittens is almost 3 weeks old  (tomorrow). The little buggers are moving at the speed of light, albeit clumsily, and have been all over the room here and 2 even ventured out into the hallway. The hardwood floors there gave them trouble, as they can barely control their little legs the way it is. They are just adorable...and I have gotten the babygate out to try to corral them.

  I have a big day tomorrow, and am about ready to call it quits for the night. The lilacs are smelling up the whole yard, and I can smell them even now, wafting in the open window.  This weather is so great....

   I am reading a new Elmore Leonard novel called  Up In Honey's Room.  New to me, written in 2007.  So far, so good.  I have read 3 paperback thrillers in 4 days.   After this, I am reading a book by Anita Shreve called  All He Ever Wanted.  A gift from a pal...

   All(s) Quiet on the Garden Front.  :)



  1. Does your post title come from how warm it got so quickly? Or how fast the days are passing? As usual, I enjoyed peeking in on you.

  2. You are so clever, "All(s) quiet on the garden front". Love it.

    I can smell those lilacs from here. :)


  3. Don't you be rushing this month, my friend. We finally got here and I must say I am enjoying warm weather. I had a nightmare the other night, snow everywhere again.

  4. All(s) quiet in the garden front, but not in your kitchen...

    The kittens sound like bliss, too sweet for their own paws.

    I would love to adopt one, but have not figured out a way to transport the bebe kitteh!!!

    Hugs and hope your day is great!
    Bright Blessings

  5. Hello there, the stir fry sounds like something I would come up with. Love the brown rice. Good luck with the kitties.
