Friday, April 30, 2010

There...and back again....

 This is one of the cutest kittens I have seen...going to live with my niece. They are all adorable and all over the place and into everything. Earlier tonight I found one of the smaller ones asleep in the dog food bowl...


  I have been offline for almost 2 weeks.  Today the technician finally came and fixed things. Apparently the eye of the dish was bad. He tried lots of other things first, before climbing up in the roof....but all told, he was here a little over an hour.  I was so excited to be back online...and then it started storming really bad and we have had tornado warnings all over the place all evening.  The rain and lightning seem to have stopped...the doggies are outside getting nasty (I'm sure),  and I felt safe enough to turn the computer back on.  Trouble is, I've been up since 5:30 AM and I'm about to keel over now.  lol

  Tonight I went to a meeting and gave an 8 year coin to a woman, saw my sponsor, and generally had a good time.  My pal Mary is coming home sometime tonight (probably here by now) , and I cannot wait to see her. I colored my hair yesterday, and she knows I have been playing with the idea of doing it.  The jury is still out on whether I like it or not, lol.  I was just tired of all the patchy grey and feeling like an old woman. I was just nervous about it coming out some goofy blackish color. Instead, I got a reddish almost, because of the grey, I guess. I think next time I will go one shade darker though...this is a medium brown, and I should have gone with a dark I think.

  I have been reading like a fiend (no internet will do that, lol),  working in the yard, getting the garden in and generally enjoying life.  I have been asleep every night by 11 or 11:30 and up again at the butt crack of dawn.  Sounds like a healthy lifestyle, doesn't it??  lol

  I will be back tomorrow full force (I hope) and mostly just wanted to stop in and say that I'm back in the cyberworld again.
  I really missed you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I am glad you are back! That kitteh looks pretty sweet. I miss having kittens. And puppies and lambs and chicks. :)

  2. Glad to have you back.
    The kitten is adorable. I often find one of our cats curled up in the bathroom sink. It's just the right size.

  3. Back just in the nick of time! I realize that I missed your writing and must have been unaware of the lack of it until it showed up. I am so glad you are back on line, it's like my arm is broken or something when I can't get in touch with my buddies. I hope you get some sleep and look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  4. I checked your blog a couple times in case my reader messed up but no you hadn't written a post. I sent you good wishes. Did you get them?

  5. Welcome back to blogland, Annie! You've been missed.

  6. Hope that you're not so blue, good to hear from you.

  7. Good to see you back on line Dear One.

    Love always.
