Sunday, March 14, 2010

Grey and chilly Sunday....

 A really GOOD day for cooking comfort food in the the lovely chicken pot pie that's in there now, making the house smell all wonderful and feel nice and warm. I've been puttering around all day, after waking up at 10..or was it 11 ???  lol...Daylight Savings Time strikes again!!  After last nights meeting, where I drank 2 small cups of regular coffee, I was awake until 3 I really only slept about 7 hours.  Now...that doesn't seem nearly as bad, does it?   lol

  I met some really great new people last night and we all had a good time. I had one guy stop me after the meeting and say that he was told early on that if he kept coming around and listening, one day he would meet the person that would tell his story, and that I was that person for him. He had just celebrated his 12th anniversary...


  Well, it hasn't exactly been a cell-free day like I'd hoped, lol. But the last 4 or 5 hours I turned the ringer off and put it in the other room. That helped. The Irishman and I had a nice quiet dinner and then watched the Coen Brothers film, Millers Crossing, starring Albert Finney, Gabriel Byrne, and Marcia Gay name a few.  It was quite good, even though gangster movies aren't necessarily my favorite. 

  Tabitha, I will post that recipe for the honey oatmeal bread on my Dragon Woman's Kitchen blog for you...I posted the Irish Soda Bread recipe earlier today...let me know how it works for you...I have been using a white whole wheat flour for these has a ton of extra fiber and protein in it. I also always add flaxmeal and vital wheat gluten to my bread recipes. I was trying to's been over 8 months I think since I last bought a loaf of bread. It was just getting too expensive, because we only eat the serious whole grain breads, and they were creeping up to 4 dollars a loaf around here. I approximately figured out that it's costing me under 2 dollars a loaf to make it myself.  'Nuff said....

  I slipped in the mud today and twisted my knee again. I don't think I did any serious damage to it, just enough torque to make it painful again.  Damn.   If the day ever comes when my knee is pain free again...why, I'll jump for joy.  *erk.

  I think I just might be able to finish this office tomorrow, if I get really diligent about working on it. If I get up early and get right on it.  Tonight we moved the loveseat out of here, and that will give me a lot more room to shift things around and get to the walls.  It seems like this mess has been going on a long, long time. On a bright note, I have located several books I've been looking for.  lol

Maybe I need to get some ice out for this knee and take it easy a bit before going to bed.   I have a full and busy week coming up and feel like I need some rest.   I also need to google the invisible dog fence and see what I can find. It's breaking my heart having to tie up this dog.  I almost wish another dog would get hurt, just so we'd know for sure it wasn't her...and of course, I don't really mean that, but...

Alright--off to fill the ice brace for my knee. Put some nice jazz on the radio and sit back and relax....



  1. I don't know how I managed to miss your DragonWoman page for food, I'll visit that a lot too! Have a great week.

  2. I'm glad you're getting an office set up. Why don't you take a photo and share?
    And I'm with you about the dog fight thing. Wish there were a way to determine its not your JR.

  3. Glad to hear you're taking the knee thing seriously. I always balk about icing but it does work. You are always so busy, but you still find time for me. I appreciate it, there's something about the way you write that puts me right there next to you.

  4. I love chicken pot pie. I can smell it from here. Take care of that knee.

  5. I will print out the recipe when I find it of the honey oatmeal bread and hubby will make it. Sorry about your twisting your knee. Ouch.

  6. OOPS!! (((Technobabe))) !!! I did write Tabitha, didn't I ?? I really meant YOU ! lol

    Gary--I', horrible at writing there...and I keep thinking I'll get better, but I am so undisciplined!!! Maybe I can get back on it with garden season coming originally started as a kind of kitchen/garden blog.

    Thanks, Chris...I would take pictures now, but I don't ever want to remember this mess. lol I am praying every day about my dog...

    Kathy, I love it too...and the Irishman loves it because there's always leftovers for his lunch!

    DJan- I always love reading your comments on my much as I love reading about all the things you do ! I'm so jealous...I used to be real active until an industrial accident knocked my legs out from under will be 9 years ago in July, and I still can't get used to having limitations! I always go to ice as a last resort too, and I don't know always works best.

  7. "10... or was it 11?" You suck!!

    Now you've made me hungry. Thanks for that. Really appreciate it. Danke, Dammit.

  8. Hey Michael...I do what I can. HA!

    Come on over one of these days...we'll do a little fishing back in the pond and fire up the grill...of course we have to wait until June or something. I'll cook you up some vittles like you've never seen, boy !
