Monday, March 15, 2010

Painty Days and Mondays always bring me down...

This is Lily. Although it may look like it, this is her natural coloring...I did not paint HER. I swear.

  Well, I did it. Got up early, finished the painting. 2 coats. Had to remove the contents of 2 bookshelves in order to move them off that wall, and that was time consuming. Thought about sponging  the wall after a coat of white paint on it, but I didn't like the way it looked. I was running out of the yellow paint, so I mixed it with some white and it came out just a hair lighter than the original color. SO I have 3 yellow walls and one white. The white one has 2 large windows on it and I probably have enough of the mix to put a coat on that too...but I am done. No more painting for me, at least not in this room. I may paint on that wall another time, or stencil or something, but it ain't gonna be now, muchachos...If I don't get this room finished and the order restored, I will slit my throat.  All I have to do now before I move those bookcases back is get the caulking done. It's a clear caulk and will take 7-14 days to completely dry, that's why I'm doing it last. I'm  gonna go to town with that caulk gun. I also have to clean up those window sills, as they've gotten a bit of mildew living there.  Then it's clean the bookcases with Murphy's Oil Soap and start arranging books and stuff.  I have a wingback chair I am moving in here with a little footstool. I'm going to start looking for some new curtains too, the ones there are faded and a hunter green. Oh boy...that means some shopping trips to my favorite recycling centers...Goodwill and the Salvation Army.  Maybe I can even find a cover for that chair...

  Tomorrow I am getting that massage that got canceled last week (or was it the week before???) . Thank goodness. This old body aches. Then Wednesday I have plans to have lunch with 3 girlfriends and visit a recovery home afterwards.  Thursday I am lunching again, with a friend, at Olga's Kitchen. They make great salads and spanokopita (SP--better look that up, doesn't feel right). Then Friday is busy too...and a dr appt in the late afternoon.  By the time the weekend rolls around, I'll be beat. OH yeah, and my neighbors are going to Florida for a week, and I'm feeding their doggies twice a day.  It's good to have a full and rewarding life, but this is ridiculous.  lol  We have plans on Saturday night and then Sunday I am running the District meeting and holding a workshop on Sponsorship afterwards.  Holy crap.  I'll be in the looney bin by Monday....I wonder if they have WiFi there?????

 I'm going to make some rooiboos tea and read a bit before bed. I've been listening to some wonderful music from a program called Echoes..kind of electronic jazz stuff...beautiful.  It's the local University of the best I've heard. 

  I'll leave you with this quote from English author J.B. Priestly (1894-1984)....
"I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning."



  1. i love your cat, she looks a little bit like our loesje and you know what we did have a cat named lily :)
    I see you are busy :) hang in there, that massage will be well deserved.

  2. Annie, I too look forward each/every morning for what God has in store for me this day...and it is ALWYS something!

    Your activities, painting, etc., etc., make me tired to read. Whew!
    You GO, girl!

    I just LOVE being able to reach Peeps like you at 1 AM even if you ARE asleep...we connect anyway!


  3. Steve--Asleep???Who's asleep??? lol. I'm sitting here eating a grapefruit and drinking a cup of tea...I can't tell you how glad I am that you've come back to blogland...I missed you!!

    Jozien--I always stay busy, as I know you do too! BTW--I love that photo of you...and I can't wait for that massage. How's the art show going??

  4. Yes, you are the original Energizer Bunny! Congratulations on getting that painting done. You are an amazingly busy lady, and you even give me hope that I can be as positive about my overdoing it as you!

  5. The painting is done, good for you. Lots of hard work and it paid off for you, you have a new room now. The chair and ottoman sound great. Love the cat's colors.

  6. Lily is gorgeous and looks to be a true beauty indeed.

    YOu sound like I've been very very busy, but Ialso think that HP has some goals in mind with my busy life lately.

    I will keep you in my thoughts for energy.
