Saturday, March 13, 2010

Happy Splatterday, people !!

This is how it looks now...only with more water...water on the ground, water falling out of the sky, water, water everywhere... A tiny bit of green showing....

 This is how it's gonna look by about the end of April, first of May.  I am so looking forward to it!!!


  But, even cold and rainy days are good for something. I made a big pot of French Onion soup this afternoon, and have a nice loaf of oatmeal honey whole wheat bread in the breadmaker.  We are going to a potluck tonight where they are serving corned beef and cabbage dinner with all the trimmings, so I baked a gorgeous loaf of Irish Soda Bread to take.  I'm going to put the soda bread recipe on Dragon Woman's Kitchen later tonight.  Just took a picture.  Looks like this:

  YUM!!  Isn't it bee-oo-ti-full ????   It is basted with a mixture of melted butter and buttermilk while it's baking too, giving it that pretty crust.

   I  have been asked to come share my story tonight at this potluck meeting. It's always good to remember what it was like, what happened and what it's like now. Sometimes saying this stuff out loud serves as a good reminder of why it's important to do the little things we do every day to ensure that we get to keep living this good life....

   We have a problem.... the neighbors across the pond think that our Jack Russell Terrorist has mauled one of their dogs. They took the poor thing to the vet and it was put back together, and so we are faced with what to do about Molly....the problem is this:  No one has seen Molly do this.  And we live out in the country where there are lots of dogs that run the place. There are neighbors down the street from us that have 3 dogs, 2 of which have been known attack cats and other small things. Across the road from us, there are German Shepherds that come out when another dog up the road comes into heat. They travel with a Boston Terrier who likes to act ferocious.  But the neighbors really seem to want to believe that its our dog. We are keeping her tied up right now and keeping her in the house too. It's killing her--Jacks are roamers and runners and the most willful dogs on the planet. We are looking at the possibility of the invisible fence, if we can afford least then she could run around our property.  It kills me to think that my dog could have torn up another dog.  And not knowing if it's really her is the other thing. Are we punishing her for something she didn't do?   It's a terrible dilemma and we are trying to take it one day at a time and figure it out.    It sucks.

  Guess I'd better go check on my bread and get a shower. We have to leave in about an hour and a half.  

   I have been on the phone a lot today and am thinking about turning it  I think tomorrow will definitely be a cell-free day for me.  That sounds like a good idea...



  1. I love the "now" and "soon" pictures. And I wonder why they think it's YOUR dog that did it, and if it could be proved somehow! Until then, it seems downright cruel that your terrier has to pay the price.

    I love your stories, Annie, and I bet others do too...

  2. I agree with DJan, how do they know it's your baby who did this? I've known many Jack Russells, all are willful, but none have ever been attacking type dogs unless it was moles,etc.

    I hope that she can roam free again and sorry that your neighbors seem to think its your babe.

    The bread looks amazing!! Wow!!

    Oh and dammit,I was gonna call you tomorrow! (joking) although will be sending an email.

    Love you,

  3. What a dilemma....if only dogs could talk. But even then it could be a matter of one dog said, the other dog said...

    I would love to hear you tell your story. Maybe someday it will happen.


  4. They need to give you proof. Plain and simple. Here say doesn't stand up in court so why should it here. I feel for you. I live in the city so our Bichon is fenced in, but everyone has to take some responsibility for their own pets (meaning your neighbor that is accusing you. I will say a prayer that this can be resolved peacefully. Your Irish Soda Bread looks great, you always make me hungry when I read your blog!

  5. That is sad about Molly. I hope this gets worked out soon. Personally, I don't see how tying her up is going to help.

    Anyhow, good thoughts and prayers for you and all concerned.

    Love always.

  6. I would really like the recipe for the oatmeal honey whole wheat bread for the bread maker. We have two bread makers and hubby makes whole wheat bread and they turn out perfect every time. It sounds like the neighbors have made up their minds about your dog. I keep my cell phone turned off most of the time. Such peace.

  7. I hope it was awesome telling your story. "Sometimes saying this stuff out loud serves as a good reminder of why it's important to do the little things we do every day to ensure that we get to keep living this good life...."
    You're acting in wisdom, Annie.
