Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday on a string.,..

A nice peaceful shot of MY Blue Ridge Mountains.

Another exhausting and wonderful day. A meeting this morning and gave a 3 month coin to a sponsling. Then a light lunch with hubby and then off to the CSO to hold the workshop for new GSR's. Only about 12 people in attendance. Not a great turnout, but there was lots of competition on this almost 85 degree day. lol

Came home and sat around for a minute and then proceeded to plant 6 pounds of fingerling potatoes. Also started some pumpkins and some yellow bell peppers and green bell peppers in flats. Al my heirloom seeds came yesterday except for 2 types that they were out of. Red bell peppers and something else.

Then it was a short play time with the doggies and then supper.
I am whipped.

What a blessing it is for drunks like us to have boring old normal days! I am grateful for these times. Taking hubby to work tomorrow and then off to get flea stuff for the dogs. Grateful to have the money to spend on stuff like this.

Grateful to have the opportunity to play in the dirt. To be able to raise much of my own food. To always grow enough every year to give away too. To enjoy silly stuff like this...I can remember a day when this kind of life bored me to tears. When all I wanted to do was run. To be anywhere else but where I happened to be, with whomever I happened to be with. Never happy, never content or satisfied, always looking for a different answer.

All this has changed for me. It's been a wonderful journey into my life and I am loving it, every step of the way.

How blessed are we?

I'm off to dance with the sandman.


1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed, dearie, we ARE blest, beyond imagination. And it is just those daily chores, life, which allow me to see that. Thanks.
