Monday, April 27, 2009

My Monday

It was a me-me-me day today. Needed some downtime and time to relax, so I headed off for the nearest college town and got me some manicure and pedicure action. It was wunnerful. Then I did a wee bit of grocery shopping and then came on home. I have been listening to music and cooking and having a grand day.

I will be home all day tomorrow until time to go to the class. I have about a thousand tigerlilies to get in the ground and 2 sedums (autumn joy, the dark red one) and a few other odds and ends as well. It has rained most of today...just a soft rain mostly, with a little squall tucked in here and there for good measure. I am amazed at the plant growth in the past 2 days. You can't even tell the yard got a haircut on Saturday, and my clematis is taller than the trellis!!! The pea pods in the garden are almost 2 inches tall. The grreens are coming up nicely, and am just starting to see the beets too.

I have a sick kitty...not eating and vomiting from time to time. May have to take her to the vet...

Scarey thing, this swine flu outbreak. Head of the CDC was saying today that it won't do any good to wear masks, and I haven't any idea what the death toll is up to now. And then an earthquake on top of it Mexico City. Prayers being flung about the Universe for everyone to be safe. There are reports of the same flu in Israel, CHina and the United States. This couold be some kind of a deal. Hubby works with some guys that were taking a trip down to Cancun in 2 weeks. Not any more, probably. I need to get online and read the latest info... I just happened to have seen CNN when I was having my piggies attended to. We haven't had a television now for over a month. It's been an incredible blessing.

I'm ready for bed. Just stopping in to finish up my day in the right way. With a gratitude list:

1. I am healthy
2. I am sober.
3. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not anymore.
4. I am absolutely loved beyond a shadow of a doubt.
5. If my life were any better, I maybe wouldn't be able to stand it!
6. My relationship with Creator grows more every day.
7. I am blessed today.
8. I know that it's hard to be hateful when you're feeling grateful.
9. I have found a place where I fit, and it's called Alcoholics Anonymous.
10. I never have to drink again if I don't want to.



  1. I like the idea of the gratitude list.

  2. I don't have TV. It is an incredible blessing, I can't do any planting for awhile yet, gardening sure cures what ails ya.Now I'm going to have to go check CNN. jeNN

  3. For several years after I got sober--no TV. Now I have one, but never watch it. That's good shit.

    Blessings everywhere, especially for flu victims and those who will get it

  4. I had my hands and piggies pampered a few weeks ago, it was heaven! I loved it. I NEED to get out in my yard this week! Its a mess.
