Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last Saturday of April

Oh my. What a wonderful day I have had!

Long, surely, and full to the brim with community and creativity and spirituality. It started off with an early morning and a leisurely breakfast/brunch. Cared for all the critters and the house and the birds outside. Went to the springs to refill the drinking water jugs. I pulled a couple of loaves of zucchini bread out of the freezer from last years uber bounty (lol) so they could thaw and be sliced and plattered to take along to the Earth Day celebration we were attending. We were out of the house by noon and headed out. I'll save the descriptions of THAT for tomorrow morning, as I am really tired tomight.

I am constantly amazed by the world I live in today. More all the time, I am in love with the beings who cohabitat here. It seems like the longer I live, the broader my horizons become and the more I appreciate every last drop of my existence. Maybe it's because time is going by so quickly or I am savoring each moment so much more. I don't know...

By the grace in my life today, I look at the world-- my world-- through new eyes almost every morning. I have a set of small rituals and rites that I perform consistently that send me on my way in a grounded and serene manner. I have a list of people that I say the smallest of prayers and blessings for (usually) before the sun comes up. I look to the Four Directions like my grandmother taught me and I bless the world. There is a tribe of Natives that do a ritual called the Jump Dance, because it is their job to help keep the earth in balance. They are taught from infancy that they have a sacred responsibility to do this, so that man might continue to live and prosper in the world. I feel like I have a responsibility too, to keep my world in balance and to maintain the ritual of blessing every person, every animal that crosses my path. A responsibillity to care for my planet in every way I know how. That includes everything from my rituals and prayers to recycling and greening up the place.

I am blessed to have a connection to my world that I thought I had lost in my years as a practicing alcoholic and drug addict. Those lost years, when I was disconnected form people and from life. Today I am in my life up to my armpits. Fully involved and immersed in a life that is so full and rich and blessed.

I am blessed to have new friends all the time.

I am blessed to be a tool of my useful today as is humanly possible for someone like me. An open channel, a cracked pot. *grin

I am especially blessed to have lived long enough to get to experience all this.

And for these things, I am truly grateful.



  1. Yeah, Annie K! That is a fine day tou describe. Me, too. I just keep trying to put more and more of those kinds of days together into a week, a month, etc.

    I don't think that's expecting too much. I have not been pulled from hell by a saving source, to face an existence of misery and suffering.

  2. HI O'roni...

    A friend of mine puts it wonderfully...

    "I can't believe that God saved me from drowning just to kick me to death on the beach!"
