Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tender Tuesdays

[A boy and a dog]
{Tristan and baby Lucy}

Winding down a chilly and productive Tuesday. Kept the car and went to town...picked up some groceries at the market, got some cat food and rice milk at the dreaded Wally World, went by the CSO and picked up new where and when's that just came out as well as about 20 newcomer packets for my homegroup. Then I went to a noon meeting , which just happens to be where my home group meets, so I was able to drop off the goods in the cabinet that our stuff goes in and enjoy a meeting on the 10th Step. It was a small meeting, but had diverse perceptions and varying amounts of sobriety, so it made for lively discussion. From there it was home to put things away and start some chicken breasts thawing in the microwave, and then off to pick himself up from work.

We briefly considered going to a speaker meeting tonight, but it was just too much to get going again once we were home. We are so lame.

I made a nice supper of chicken fajitas with red, yellow and green bell peppers from the garden, as well as lots of onions.I cooked the 2 breasts in the electric skillet and then tore them apart. For some reason I had one package with just the 2 small breasts in it, so this was a good way to use that up. I made a pot of a texmati rice I had in the cupboard...it is Texas red rice, white rice and lentils all together. Then I sauteed some finely chopped bell pepper and onion and garlic, ground some cumin seed with my mortar and pestle, and put in a can of black beans. It made for a satisfying simple supper, and after that, believe me--we weren't going anywhere, lol.

I'm chock full of gratitude tonight. For a loving spouse, for a sweet little homestead, for all my furry babies, for grandchildren, for relative health, for my handosme son and his adorable wife, for a sister-in-law (2 of them, actually) who are like sisters to me (and maybe love me MORE than my own sisters, lol). I am grateful that I found onions on sale at 3 lbs. for a dollar and bought 9 pounds. I'm grateful that the price of gas has come down for now. I'm grateful for a sober life that is beyond my wildest expectations.

Hope you are all finding a streak of gratitude in your lives too...

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