Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wacky Wednesday

[Click to enlarge] Baby brother's 46th birthday

A homey kind of day today. I puttered. Started putting the garden beds to rest for the winter, pulled out the tomato cages and picked the last of the green tomatoes. Cleaned the chicken coop. Straightened the house and (naturally) vacuumed up enough pet hair and feathers to build my own zoo. (Or at least make a really cool Sasquatch-birdman suit).

I baked butternut squash for supper with a walnut and stuffing filling, with a side of pan fried carrots, onions and cabbage sliced really thin. Threw a dollop of home made applesauce on the plate too, just for fun. It was a very deliciously satisfying meal. We had some butter pecan ice cream for dessert, since I didn't get a pie baked like I'd planned. I promised it [again] for tomorrow though. I think tomorrow we'll have bratwurst and sauerkraut, and I have some left over mashed red potatoes with the skins on and added garlic. And peach pie. yum. Peaches from our own trees too...makes it extra special.

Tomorrow night is the women's meeting too. And after, over to my friend's Halloween extravaganza. Apparently her neighborhood looks forward to her little soiree every year. I'm excited...

Everything's done that needs doing before bed, so I'm about ready to head that direction. Hubby's lunch is made, dishes are done, animals are fed and watered and have been outside for their last hurrah.

I'm just grateful for almost everything about my life today. Love, troubles, joys, and family. Trying to live in the anticipation of the next great miracle coming my way....

Dream on, fellow travellers....dream on....


  1. even after the pasta party, this post makes me hungry!

  2. Nice blog. You've made me feel hungry!

    Have a good and sober day.
